Monday 30 July 2012

Some pics from pops

I've gathered together some pics and videos of Della from the past few weeks. She's changing so much at the moment most of these are fairly out-of-date now...

Upside down Della

Mammy working, Della working

I'm not ready for nursery, I haven't finished sleeping yet.

Push quicker Uncle Nick!

Look at my shoes!

Della meets a big redwood tree
I'm hiding in a jungle!!!
We never thought this would happen!!

This is Della practising her walking with Gran Helen a few weeks ago

And here she is being made to laugh by her lamb hand puppet while eating some dried apple...

Saturday 28 July 2012

And relax...

Della has taken Simon out on an adventure while I catch up with housework and washing. I'm having a five minute sit down in front of the olympics.

It was the opening ceremony last night. It was good. Although I dropped off while Paul sang his classics but did actually enjoy watching all the teams parade. It got me wondering if Della might one day be an olympic athlete. At the moment I think she could realistically compete in the one year olds walking in a circle race and baby who can make the biggest splash in the bath. Who knows what this could turn into...

Note the Team GB shirt worn by Della

Thursday 26 July 2012


A lot happened while we were in aberdeen. Mainly lots of hammering, screwing, sawing and building. Here are some of the highlights...

Gordon took a beating in Aberdeen.

Cosy breakfast

Train to Aberdeen

Della in the new kitchen window

Della being dragged around
 Della being pushed around...

Having dinner

Having a lovely hot bath

Andrew got out an old yellow duck. His dad had made it for him to play on and Della seemed to enjoy her self and knew how to rock back and forth on it.

The last supper

The team

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Up to Aberdeen - the journey

For those of you who don't know, Simon's dad is building a straw bale house in Aberdeen. Last week we (me, Della, Simon and my parents) went out to help. Well Simon and Granda Len mainly did the work while me and Grananne mainly looked after Della. Simon cheated and got the train up as he was staying longer!

So Della has been to Cambridge, she has even been to New York! But never has she spent eight hours in a car going to Aberdeen. As you can see, it started well with giggles in the back seat...

However, it turned out that Della needed more breaks than we would normally take if traveling without a baby. So every couple of hours we were out of the car, having a snack, having a walk and cooling down...

This is a cafe, not someone's kitchen! 

Cousin Ethan

Before our trip to Aberdeen we called to see Aunty Carole and Cousin Ethan.

I love this photo and I think Ethan and Della are looking more a like these days...

A lot to catch up on...

It has been quite a while since you will have read any new blog posts. This is because we have all been so busy.

We had a visit from Gran Helen a few weeks ago, it was a very nice weekend. We had a stroll around town and played out in the garden quite a bit. Della showed off her walking and football skills...

A stroll around the minster gardens

I'm football crazy
Simon uses the last of his film
Della is looking more like a little girl and less like a baby everyday 

Saturday 14 July 2012

I just want to walk and cuddle

i think we can officially say that Della can walk now. however, she can't stand up alone and can't sit down without help. This makes it very frustrating for her. She is starting to understand that one day she might be able to pull herself up but that might still be a little while away...

Della goes on holiday

Last weekend Della packed her bags and left us for the weekend. We met her Gran and Granda at a service station half way to Durham and passed her over. She was very happy to be off, as you can see from her striding away...

When she returned she had some fun time in the garden playing in our the apple tree. We think (apart from Mam and Dad) her first proper word will be apple. She is very close to saying it already.

Fishy finger food and finger puppets

A little while ago me and Grananne made some fishy finger food for Della. Basically they are mashed potato and salmon coated in bread crumbs. Della loved being able to pick them up out of her bowl and has been having them with baked beans, mmm...

Della has also recently discovered finger puppets, they entertain her for quite a while and she even knows to put them on her fingers.