Monday 20 August 2012

A day at the beach

Yesterday was meant to be the hottest day of the year so we pack up the car and headed to Scarborough for the day*. It was not the hottest day of the year but still warm enough for Della to run around playing in (and eating) the sand and sea.


Mmm.... yummy

Della likes other children a lot. A little boy spent a long time digging a hole and letting it fill with water. After asking very politely Della hijacked his hole and sat in the cold water licking salt of her fingers for a long time. 

This is a little wet and cold but i love it!

After a rough clean up - getting sand out of little creases is hard! Della decided that Gordon needed cleaning up too and he had also had a messy day at the beach.

*All the clothes worn on our lovely day out are thanks to Asta and her lovely Mam Millie.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Della does drawing

At nursery Della often gets involved in arts and crafts but we have never actually seen her getting creative. Yesterday she was in a bit of a grump so I got out the paper and crayons and this happened...

She loved it. I was quite surprised that she instantly knew what to do. This is the finished product...

I think it looks a little like the seaside so as a treat (and weather depending - now the olympics have gone it will inevitably rain until Autumn when it will rain then snow) we might go to the coast to play in the sand and sea at the weekend.

Happy First Birthday Ethan!

Della's cousin Ethan is one today! We saw him at the weekend and Della gave him the present she bought for him in New York. 

The yearly koi show

Last weekend was the north east Koi show so me and Della popped up to Durham to show support to Granda Len who had a stall selling his carved and turned wares. It was a fun weekend even if Della was only entertained by the huge fish for a little while and decided walking and standing and staring at people would be far more entertaining for her and far more uncomfortable for them.

She also got to see cousin Ethan again. They interact with each other a lot more now and have learnt (ish) to share!

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Coo's and Apples

In which Della meets coo's (cow's) in Aberdeen for the first time

And demonstrates how she can spit water out of her mouth (annoying at breakfast time...) and show where the apples are

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Dining al fresco

Later today Della will be having her MMR jab. As a treat I took her to the farm for lunch. She had lots of fun eating her dinner watching all the children playing.

She had fun in the shop deciding what to buy daddy as a treat - she picked cauliflower and leeks in the end.

Then we went to see the goats - she was not keen on them and got very cuddly!

Before getting back in the car and heading home for a nap in preparation for her jab we had a run around the strawberry fields.

Della and her friends

While in Durham for Olympic football we called in to see Cousin Ethan. He was in a happy mood and Della and him played happily together...

Then yesterday Lisa and henry came for a visit. As the sun was shining we played in the garden for a little bit where Della and Henry managed to get very wet playing in dirty rain water 9I lost some mammy points by not cleaning and putting fresh water in the play pit!)...

Henry goes for it on the splashing!

Della is very happy to be splashed!

Monday 6 August 2012

Olympics take two

We decided to be brave and take Della to St James park with us to see Brazil vs Honduras along with 50,000 other people. It was loud! At first Della just sat and took it all in, a little overwhelmed by the noise I think. At half time she did a lot of walking around the stadium then for the second half she had dinner and then got bored and shouty then got tired and fell asleep.

The big screen n Newcastle city centre - with deck chairs to sit and watch

We all had a cheese and onion pasty to celebrate

OUtside the stadium

I can see 50,000 people from here!


A football family

It's all too much!

Can we sell Della?

Saturday 4 August 2012

The Jungle Book

Ever since Della was tiny I have been singing the songs from the Jungle Book to her. Last week at a car bootsale Simon picked up an old record with them all on - not the originals but that makes it even more fun!

This morning over breakfast we popped on the records - and although they jumped a little - Della had a jolly good time watching us dance for her...

Olympics take one

So last Sunday we got involved in Olympic fever. We applied for lots and lots of tickets in the lottery, we got football at St James Park. Me, Simon, my dad and my Uncle Alan all headed out to the toon to get involved. The first game was Japan vs Morroco, the second game was Spain vs Honduras. It was fun. Here are the highlights...

We are heading off to see Brazil vs Honduras and we are taking Della with us!! Its a 48k crowd today - lets see what happens!

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Year 1 in film!

Exciting, 4 minutes worth of cine film were processed and delivered yesterday. This means that Della (and various family members) now exist in film! I think it covers cousin Bluet's visit at Christmas too. Once I get the projector down from the attic, I'll digitise the film and put it up here...