Friday 30 November 2012

A bit of an update - mainly Della as Lambsy

Did I get these ears from you or daddy?

From Gran Helen - looking very happy!

I don't wanna put my coat on...

I'm keeping this on all day

Looking a bit like a big rabbit!

Off to nursery

 Some pics from Gran Helen's last visit


Uncle Nick - fancy meeting you here!

Della concentrating on her note-taking

Some videos of Della playing in the leaves at Castle Howard:

 And this is Della playing the 'Bang' game (Not sure what the rules are...)


Della deep in thought

Della and Gran Helen doing some drawing

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Apologies and a new park

Well, just like our american counterparts, we have been a little too busy to do any regular blogging recently. I will endeavour to keep on top of our goings on in the future.

A couple of weekends ago we took a trip to Durham. The most exciting day of the trip for Della started with a trip to the bootsale where she found a couple of books, then a sunday lunch at the table where she discovered a love of Yorkshire puddings dipped in gravy (at last she likes them, we have tried this a few times!). We then popped to a garden centre where Della found Santa, a cuddly big friend and (oh no) very much enjoyed a ride on one of those machines that rocks back and forth singing annoying tunes!

Put more money in...
Oh, hello big, snuggly bear

After that we called to the park. Della has been here before but I don't think she could remember. She enjoyed it a lot this time. I think she thought she was older than she is and kept trying to play with the big (about 4 years old!) kids. Luckily she had fun with Granda and GranAnne and came home tired and covered in sand.


Where's Della gone?

Where's Della gone?


Monday 12 November 2012

A Lovely Autumnal Day

Gran Helen came to stay this weekend. Simon and Helen picked Della up early from nursery which was quite exciting for her. It was also her last day in the baby room. Form this week she will be in the toddler room with new (and old) friends and will be learning lots more and playing outside twice a day regardless of the weather (we need to get some padded dunagrees to keep her cosy!)

On Saturday we had a stroll into town and visited the library for lunch. Della loves it there and will happily run around ignoring the books and looking at the other children until she gets tired when she will do some stock taking with a pen and paper and then have a little story.

uncle Nick came to visit on Saturday too and we skyped with Uncle Ben and Bluet. Bluet was very good with her words.

On Sunday it was time for a trip out in the Autumn sunshine so we headed up to Castle Howard again - they do lovely scones. Della mainly enjoyed chasing a peacock whilst flapping her arms! Then playing in the leaves and sitting on a swing seat with nick. Here are a few photos..

NOthing is better than a ride on Daddy' shoulders

On the way home Della decided she needed my sunglasses

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Castle Howard

On Sunday we braved the frost and cold and went Castle Howard for a few hours. We enjoyed a lovely coffee and and scone and Della enjoyed watching/ staring at all the other people in the cafe whilst eating her dinner.

 Della then met her first Peacock. I was more scared than her. I'm not a fan of birds!

With such huge tree's we thought it only right to run around them...

Few trips with a toddler go off without the odd cry/scream - here Della just wants my camera!

Sunday 4 November 2012

Homemade haircut

Della has only had her hair cut once and that was by a professional. Her fringe was getting a bit long and in her eyes so yesterday we decided that the traditional dodgy/wobbly/certainly not straight home cutting of the fringe should take place.

Now I have not had professional training and you will be able to see this but at least we are saving £7 and Della will have embarrassing wobbly fringe photos (like the rest of us) to laugh at when she is older... Although I can't say she found it hilarious, she didn't complain too much.

And here is a video of the live action...

Saturday 3 November 2012

Where's Smokey Robinson gone?

Della learns to say 'Bubble'

A video of Della just having learnt to say the word 'Bubble' and being very proud of it...

She also said today

Bath, Daddy, Toes, Zip, Button, Dog, Baba (mummy), Raff (giraffe), More, Yep, Hot, Shoes, Trousers (ish), Rarrr (like a lion), There it is (ish)

Fun with a pram, buggy and pushchair

Della loves her toy pram. I've crocheted a little blanket for her to put over the top of her dolls and toys. She pops them in the pram, puts the blanket over them and then rocks them to sleep or runs around the house with them.

Here she takes this a step further and decides to have a pram race with her Granda Len. She stood waiting for the three, two, one countdown and then ran as fast as she could with her pushchair. She found this very funny and entertaining...

Here she takes rocking Dolly to sleep to new extremes...

Whilst winning the pushchair races Della decides to learn how to get into her own food and bowl draw. This is very exciting for her...

Like Mother, like Daughter

The other day Della picked up her magazine and did some reading on the way back from the supermarket...

Della has also learnt that as soon as we say open your mouth (and make the action ourselves) she does this - it is very cute...

Autumn illness

The last week as pretty much been a write off for all the Heworth Collins Family. Della has had a sickness bug and then a terrible cold. She past the sickness bug onto Simon which culminated in a terrible night for him during the week and a full day spent in bed. She past her cold onto me which resulted in swollen glands and very painful sinus problems. This meant that an small operation I was meant to be having on Wednesday was called off and I have spent a few days lying on the sofa.

It seems all the children at nursery are the same. Della has been off her food so much that she has lost some weight, she is going to the Health Visitor next week to get weighed to make sure she hasn't lost too much. On the plus side yesterday she ate a lot and seems to want to make up for all her lost food!

Here we try and convince Della that food is not evil - trying everything we could think of did not work!

Here we give up on food!