Friday 30 August 2013

Aberdeen - 3

Balmeadie beach is beautiful - although it has to be said it is pretty hard work on a gusty day. Della was not a fan of the sand slapping her feet and face! Although she did enjoy looking for crocodiles which she is convinced lives in the grass at the beach
Pill box on the beach - all a bit wonky

Bluet enjoys a ride from Wayne

Della enjoys a ride with Daddy

Aberdeen - 2

On the day we did childcare Bluet took a lovely cosy long nap. Della and Caroline did quite a bit of cleaning...

Aberdeen - 1

So it's gonna take a while to get everything up here but here are some of the photo's taken while Della's half American cousin came to stay!
Della understood that Bluet's blanket and 'owly' were just like her Gordon...  
Having fun hiding

All snug in the sunshine

Team work gets the job done, erm... slower

Fun with Caroline on the swing
On our first proper day in Aberdeen the American (and some English0 contingent went to drink whiskey and look at castle. Me, Simon and Gran Helen were on childcare duties. It was fun and we all got to know each other pretty well...

Dinner for three

Tea for three
Della likes to enjoy her food. Here she rubs so much pasta sauce over her face she looks like she has fake tan on!

Saturday 24 August 2013

Where to start...

So for the last week or so Della has been happily playing with her cousin (and other friends). I have so many photos it is difficult to know where to start. I'm sure there will be a series of posts over the coming week or so once I have been through all photos. 

For starters, this was our journey up to Aberdeen...

Off with her case to put her PJ's on

Grumpy, but funny, with her friends on her head!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Bluet arrives

We had a full house last night. It was nice. Bluet and Caroline were excited to see each other and it was a shame that Della had gone to bed when they arrived. 

This morning she woke slightly alarmed at six adults and three children in the house - it was only Daddy when she went to bed! 

However, she quickly found her stride and enjoyed dancing for her new friends, chasing Caroline with the pushchairs and seeing Bluet again. Outside she gave Bluet a present - she had got her some wooden cutting vegetables which she loves to play with.

Soon after this her new friends disappeared en route to Aberdeen. She cried lots and said she wanted to go to Aberdeen. Tomorrow Della, tomorrow.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Getting ready - another unposted post

While Gran Anne was getting ready Della wanted to get in on the action. She enjoyed a roller in her hair and putting cream on her face...

Then Granda made her a daisy chain for her head. Cute...

Unposted post

We are excitedly anticipating Aunty Emily, Uncle Ben and Cousin Bluet arriving today - Della cannot wait to have a bath with Bluet! However, before they do arrive I have found a couple of posts that I wrote but never posted - oh dear mammy!  
A few weekends ago me and Della headed north for an overnight stay. First we called off at the bootsale where Della enjoyed a well deserved icecream with Granda...

We then headed down to cousin Ethans house for a barbeque. Della properly interacts with Ethan and finds him very funny - a short video of him making her laugh is below. Here Ethan and Della run around the garden with their shopping trolleys

Ethan making Della laugh

Ethan and his lovely enthusiastic kisses

Having dinner

Here Della and Ethan play pretend sleeping in with Della patting and singing Ethan to sleep!

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Della's dreams

Della woke us up by sleep-talking at 5.30 this morning. She was shouting out 'My Daddy... Don't put Yoghurt in the garage." Which was odd! When she woke up later on, we asked her what she had dreampt about, and she said "Yoghurt" and then "Garage". She then walked into the garage and pointed at the recycling bins - where we put empty yoghurt pots. So she's having some pretty exciting dreams at night!!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Tidy up the rubbish

As we know Della loves a good tidy up. On top of this her favourite Tuesday morning activity is to watch the bin men collect our rubbish one week and recycling the next.

As a treat for being such a good girl at potty training I got her a Playmobile bin wagon complete with bin men (with removable hats!) and wheely bins. It has lots of fancy tipping devices and she loves it. She shows it to the bin men as they pass on a Tuesday morning - although they are often too busy to even notice her. It's a shame.

 Here she sings her tidy up song and puts rubbish in the bins.


Friday 2 August 2013

The Races

Last weekend we went to the races to watch the horsey's. Granda, Grandma, Aunty Carole, Uncle Steve, Cousin Ethan and Anna came to York for the day and to sleep over. 

The weather was beautiful and we had such a wonderful day and night. Della and Ethan really get along well know. Whenever you ask her about Ethan she says he is funny and starts laughing. She really interacts with him more than any of hr other friends - it's like she knows they are related. 

A loving look to Ethan

It was a bust day but we got a good spot and spread out

Funny Ethan

They love to hold hands

Ethan got some pen on his hands and Della thoroughly cleaned it all off with a wipe

Gee up geegee... and ice cream

Clapping the horses

Having a snuggle

Then it was night time. Anna had to camp in the garden as we didnt have another bed in the house. unfortunately our airbed with automatic pump had a puncture so we had to go to the manual pump airbed...

This didn't really work so Dad got a compressor from the car and we noisily blew it up in the street - not to the amusement of our neighbours!

Thursday 1 August 2013

Della and Ethan wandering round the shops

Della and Ethan took a little walk around the shops the other day. I don't think either of them were quite ready to part with their pennies, and were very choosy about which shops to go in...  

Strawberry fields

While we were up in Durham we went strawberry picking. It was lots of fun and Della had a whale of a time. 

She was especially impressed by the giant Strawberry used to tell passing motorists that the field is a pick your own. 

Here she has a chat about the big strawberry 

In the next issue: Della goes to the Races