Tuesday 25 February 2014


It's been a tad busy round these parts so there is quite a lot to catch up on. I'm going to try and do this in chronological order. Here goes with a trip up north....

So last weekend della and mammy headed north to see grandma and granda in Durham. We played at Ethan's house where della read him this story... 

Then we went to tynemouth market (held in the working train station)

After that we headed to the beach!! 

It's all about the washing...

When della is feeling a bit bored she mainly enjoys having her own washing line up and hanging up cloths 

Painting stones

When we were at the beach we collected some big stones. Della wanted to paint them to look like a tortoise for gran Anne and a ladybird for gran Helen 

Of course one of the best bits of this for della was cleaning the brushes 

A bus trip

The other day we went for a ride on the bus. Although we went into town it was mainly about having a ride on the bus for della. She sang the wheels on the bus very loudly and lots of older ladies smiled at her 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Tuesday morning and Wednesday night

On Tuesday morning Della cracked some eggs - with no shell ending up in the bowl. 
They scrambled very well. 

And then she did some painting - including doing some nose prints.

And then tonight (Wednesday) Della kept us entertained with some of her made up songs at bath time. These are from about 15 minutes in, after she'd sung songs about the door and the bin.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Run, run as fast as you can

Della loves old traditional fairy tales. Her favourite two being the Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Gingerbread Man. Most have pretty horrific story lines and mainly end with someone being 'gobbled' up. Although Dumbo is possibly the most distressing tale aimed at an audience aged under 5 - I have removed this from the bookshelf as the questions were just becoming too difficult and traumatic for me to answer. 

Anyway, we went to the farm last week and apart from della getting a tad worried that an ugly troll was about to pounce when we saw the goats we did have a lovely time selecting a cauliflower for daddies dinner and unexpectedly finding a gingerbread man for us to gobble up! 

Moley tower

The Moley jigsaw might be very hard to complete but building a tower with the peices and knocking them over is very easy

Della opens a present

Della got a present from Slovakia a couple of weeks ago. It made her VERY happy!

Monday 10 February 2014

Vans drawing and washing lines

Here are a few pics from the last couple of weekends. 
First of all, Della demanded that Uncle Nick get out and pick up bacon sarnies and a newspaper before they set off in the van... 

 Della drew this lovely picture of Bluet all by herself, while speaking to her on Skype. 

She also enjoyed hanging out the washing at Gran Helen's house.

With no impending emergencies to sort out, Super hero Della ponders what to do...

She started with some general fitness and agility training, 

Then investigated some suspicious noises out in the garden,

Before cleverly disguising herself as a cute fluffy bunny.

She apprehended a postbox robbing scoundrel

and a pirate sailing the ocean blue...

 The end.

One eye open

Simon after sleeps with one eye open. This can be very odd when I wake in the middle of the night and see him glaring back at me. It seems, just like being able to wiggle her eyebrows this is another trait della has picked up from her daddy!