Wednesday 27 August 2014


Della sings a lot. She also now makes her own words up and given that she likes rhyming so much and she can get a rhythm going they are often quite good. Although I'm not sure about this one..

Bouncing with pirate Ethan

It was cousin Ethan's birthday a couple of weeks ago. Della got him a pirate dressing up outfit.

Although there are lots of things to blog about after our trip here is some bouncing and pirate action!! 

Tuesday 26 August 2014

A walk in the woods

We went for a lovely walk in the woods with uncle Steve...

Whilst out on our walk we saw a few interesting white things on trees. After a little investigation we figured out they were lumps of lard with seeds in for the birds... 

This one was quite exciting! 

Then it was home time, unfortunately I didn't fit on anyone's shoulders... 

Sunday 24 August 2014

Too much

I have been quite slack on the blogging front recently (I'm going to blame the baby growing in my belly!)

So while simon and uncle nick play pop up pirate here is what happened this weekend. 

Our friend Anna visited. Excitedly she took della out early Saturday morning to the special bread shop. Roasted onion bread, cheese and marmite and cheese and herb bread all equal a yummy breakfast!! 

Then we went to town and while I searched for pyjamas to fit my growing girth Anna and della did some colouring in... 

Then della spotted a Tour bike which had fallen over. This was not acceptable to her... 

She was much happier when Anna stood it up for her... 

Thursday 7 August 2014

A splendid Saturday

This post didn't load a couple of weeks ago and seems to have lost all it's words. 

In summary we went to pocklington fayre a few weeks ago and della experienced lots of firsts, including

Riding a fire engine
Sitting in a police car
Riding a horse
Having her face pained
Running a 'proper' race
Running an egg and spoon race 
Watching a duck race

Some videos

Many of these are a few weeks old but I've only just got round to loading them up.

Here, Della is inspired by the Commonwealth games and rhythmic gymnastics...

More copying gymnastics from the telly...

Here she runs in the egg and spoon race - apparently she came third but I think a stewards enquiry might find differently...

Another weekend...

Another country show. 

A few weekends ago GranAnne and granda joined us for a trip to Huby and Sutton country show