Monday 29 September 2014

A weekend with Gran Helen

A couple of weekends ago we went to see Gran Helen - one last long distance trip away before the new baby arrives. 

Luckily there was a country fair on at Parkers Piece - including a cooking demonstration by Sophie Grigson - who's somewhere at the back of this group. We watched her cook some potato gnocchi and a plum desert, and then had a chance to taste it. Not quite sure how much Della liked it, but she enjoyed watching the cooking.

She then took a ride on a tour bus...

The next day we went to Linton Zoo, which was very handy as Della is doing a project about jungles at nursery, so she was able to spot lots of interesting animals. Before we'd even seen any, she had a go on the bouncy castle at the entrance to the zoo, so she was happy right from the start!

2 stripy animals - which one's the zebra?!

Amusingly the rabbits were her most favourite animals - she named them Sammy and Bammy!

There was also field full of Giant Tortoises
(though we weren't allowed to ride them unlike in Mauritius)


There was also some time to play 


And to touch some tiny tortoises...

Then she got a bit tired...

Della has started to make lots of 'collections' - this one was of all the stuffed animals she could find.

And she spent some time rolling round the pavements of Cambridge on Gran Helen's hand painted bike.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Our anniversary

Last week me and simon celebrated 11 years together, 5 years married. As it is impossible for us to go out together on an evening (although I'm pretty sure della is capable of fully looking after herself now) we decided to go for breakfast after dropping della at nursery. 

Given my ever increasing girth, guess who had the manly full English and who had the more delicate pancakes and fruit?! 

We shall definitely be taking visitors to the spot we chose, it has a wonderful garden overlooked by the city walls. 

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Discovering the Bog

Grandad Andrew visited this weekend and one of the highlights was discovering Askham Bog. We met Uncle Nick up there, and went for a meandering walk around. 
Della read the map, to make sure we didn't get lost...

...used her binoculars to look out for things far away... 

...successfully climbed stiles...

...and led us all out of the woods.

We did have a run in with some wild horses - they came out of nowhere, surrounding us. 
But luckily they were friendly and let us go.

So we had a nice sit down to relax in the sun. 

Then Della had a run on the golf course next door, just to be cheeky

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Granda is 60 - day 2

On Sunday morning the road outside grandma and Granda's house was closed for a bike race. We popped up to see the riders and della did her best to wave at all of them, many waved back

We then popped to the field to watch some Sunday morning league football - they hadn't started but we had fun in the real life goals wondering how penalties are ever missed or saved 

Then, we took an impromptu trip to the seaside at South Sheilds. It wasn't meant to be hot but the weather was glorious so we sat and played on the sand for quite a while, built sandcastle a, explored the rocks and then had chips. It was lovely. 

Granda proved he doesn't act his age! 

Simon expertly made a big Gordon and little Gordon 

Then it was time for chips 

Then off to the shows. Della loves the rides!! 

And the 2p slots, where she has a canny knack of winning! 

Then, as a treat (for mammy) candy floss! 

During our time at the shows simon managed to loose the car keys. After trawling the arcades they were found, someone had handed them in thankfully, but it was nearly time to call a cab home! 

Then Ethan came up to give out presents, sing happy birthday and eat cake. A perfect Sunday was had by all 

Monday 1 September 2014

Granda is 60 - part 2

The farm was fun. We moved from the 1800's up to the 1940's. We saw lots of animals, enjoyed a cuppa and played on old machinery... 

Waving at a steam tractor 

Tea in the barn 

Meeting a huge happy pig

Then off to the pit village, della loved the school house 

So did grandma

Simon discovered that they had iPads in the 40's - just they were made of slate

Simon gets drawing with some ink - alongside the children

We also met the pit ponies 

Della loved the canaries - that went down the mine 

All in all it was a perfect day out!