Thursday 30 October 2014

Gym club

I'm eventually finding the odd minute to catch up on blogging! 

A week and a half ago while gran Anne was visiting us Della went to gym club. Everyone was happy to meet Gus, including Siri

Telly time

Della watches some telly while Gus just hangs out...

Della plays, gus watches

When Gus first came home from this happened...


Here is a video of Gus having a bath and Della helping out...

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Maiden voyage

Today we picked Della up from Preschool in the new sling. It was cosy and Gus was very happy but I think I still need some practice getting the knots and position right! 

Tuesday 28 October 2014

A Tuesday afternoon

Arts and crafts are always on the go in our house. Today we are making a pirate ship out of an egg box and stick. 

On the table today is paint, scissors, glue and Gus. He likes to watch, although I'm sure I caught him yawning, I'd never tell Della that though! 

The finished ship... 

Looking and dancing

A couple of videos - firstly Gus just looking around and figuring things out, followed by Mammy and Della dancing along to Girls just wanna have fun...

Monday 27 October 2014

Just Gus

Yesterday was Gus' due date. Today he is three weeks old. To celebrate here are a few random photos from the last three weeks... 

They are in age order - he is already changing so quickly 

Saturday 25 October 2014

Last Sunday

Before we went to the party last week we headed to a new park. It was lovely to be out in the fresh air and having fun as a family 

A purple fairy monster

Last Sunday we were invited to Della's friend Sam's 4th birthday party. It was spooky attire and Della decided she wanted to dress as a purple fairy monster. Not a small task when you have a baby - but it turns out we were the only ones to go in a homemade outfit. This reminded us that we rock as parents! And Della was just happy to have a tail and hairspray in her hair! 

Gus slept through the magic show and disco - whilst all the parents cooed over him. Happy party all round 

Thursday 23 October 2014

For those who have asked...

Obviously we knew that the midwife was calling on Monday to check over Gus. We were sent back to hospital for another check and (after a second trip on Tuesday) we were given the all clear for Gus! It feels like real life with a newborn (albeit a two and a half week old) has just properly began... 

Saturday 18 October 2014


So we are eventually getting visitors! Obviously GranAnne and granda have been around to help out a few times and so far uncle Nick has popped round to see us, a few of my friends have called in and today we had exciting company in the form of cousin Ethan. This made Della very happy. We played, he met Gus (he is about to become a big brother so Della showed home the ropes), we went to the pub for dinner and then more playing back at our house. Inevitably there were tears when they left... 

Walking to the pub

Looking at pumpkins on the way home 

Having a cuddle in fancy dress

Very much needing to collapse and nap wearing goggles and a flamenco dress

Having tea after

Thursday 16 October 2014

So, this is what has been happening

Firstly, sorry we have not blogged in weeks. Simon has had to go out to work for an hour or so, Della is at Preschool and Gus is fast asleep so I thought I would take this opportunity to document what has happened in the last couple of weeks.

This is a rough guide to baby Gus Lee (Gran Helen's maiden name) Collins arriving:

Day 1 - Friday 3rd Oct - 3.30am
My waters break. We wait until 6am to call the hospital meaning we can take Della with us and then take her to nursery. I am kept in hospital to prevent infection. My parents arrive t look after Della

Day 2 - Saturday 4th Oct
I am told that I will be in hospital until baby arrives and continue on medication. Della comes to visit and is a little sad but loves all the medical equipment and especially the bed that goes up and down

Day 3 - Sunday 5th Oct
My induction starts (at 36 weeks pregnant). Nothing happens regardless of pretty much running up and down the stairs. Della visits briefly.

Day 4 - Monday 6th Oct
Della visits in the morning and is a little sad but happy to play. At about 2pm I eventually get 'the drip' to induce me. I get some kind of infection and although I have a high temp I am shivery and have to wear Simons coat. By 4pm my contractions are coming thick and fast - as is the gas and air. By about 5.10 I'm ready to push. Then within 8 minutes of active pushing the little chap is out. Both me and Gus have high temps so are put on antibiotics. He is taken to the special care baby unit and returned to us at 3am the following day with cannula for drip. He weighs a good weight of 7lb 12oz though!

Day 5 - Tuesday 7th Oct
We are told e will be in hospital for a couple of days. Della visits and loves her baby brother. She cuddles him an laughs at his funny face. Before we have named him she has decided he is called stompy! But gets very upset when she has to leave. I've never spent more than one or two nights away from her so it is all a bit strange for her.

Day 6 - Wednesday 8th Oct
Another day in hospital but Gus is given the all clear on his infection. I get excited about coming home. They test him for Jaundice after a midwife thinks he oks a little yellow and he has it. Gus is placed in an incubator and under phototherapy lamps for 12 hours. He does not settle at all over night so I stay with my hand on him for 12 hours. Jaundice is not a problem and 80% of babies get it. However, if left untreated it can be dangerous, causing brain damage. Gus has very high levels and as he arrived early his little liver just cannot cope with it.

Day 7 - Thursday 9th Oct
Gus is tested and the treatment is not working as they would hope and needs more treatment. Della sees him in the incubator and under the blue light and is very upset.

Day 8 - Friday 10th Oct
After another tests we are given the all clear and get home before nursery ends. Della is very excited to see us all at home.  We all go to bed very happy!

Day 9 - Saturday 11th Oct
We all wake up very happy but Gus is a little yellow again. As he is five days od the midwife comes for a home visit. She phones the hospital and e are sent to the children's ward. Della is fine at first however Gus is tested and his levels are just below blood transfusion requirements. There is a lt of commotion in the room and Della sees me getting very upset. She tried very hard to ignore the chaos by playing with toys. Gus requires double phototherapy treatment. Simon takes Della home and my parents arrive again. I spend 17 hours in a room with blue lights on - not allowed a cup of tea because it is the children's ward. It is torture. Simon tries to spend as much time with Della as possible.

Day 10 - Sunday 12th Oct
Simon takes over from me in hospital and I spend some time at home with Della. She is happy to see me but obviously shaken by everything. At 1pm they re-test Gus and his Billiruben levels have dropped. He needs another 12 hours then another test.

Day 11 - Monday 13th Oct
Gus has a positive test and Simon comes to collect us at 6am so we are home for Della getting up. We are all very happy but Della is still quite upset telling us she is angry and sad.

Day 12 - Tuesday 14th Oct
We spend our first full day at home. Gus is 8 days old. Grandma goes home and Della is sad but also knows this means things might be about to go back to normal.

Day 13 - Wednesday 15th Oct
A nice normal day at home and Della goes to preschool meaning e can start the bonding process with Gus. Midwife calls and comments that Gus is still too yellow/ orange but the hospital will not see him now until he is 14 days to double check things. I need to relax!!

It has been the hardest two weeks of all of our lives and a very emotional and scary time. Poor Della has really been through it and Gus has been a trooper, only complaining when he has the goggles on under the lamp and when blood is taken. He is now surprisingly brilliant at sleeping anywhere - completely unlike Della when she was that age. Della is settling now though and back to how she was with Gus when he was born - a very 'helpful' sister!

Here are some photos:

Sorry this is a long post but I wanted to tell you all what had happened. I am happy to talk about it (although I'm likely to cry!) but given the impact of what Della has seen is having on her I don't want to repeat it in front of her.

I promise there will be jolly and happy posts coming as things settle down and most importantly we get to day 14 and all is well and we are fully in the clear!!