Saturday 28 February 2015


Della can be very helpful. Gus loves a calm wash and wipe on his face.

Here the two combine

A little mistake

Simon posted this a few days ago. I don't think it worked so here it is again

Our family song

We love a bit of George Ezra. Budapest is our current family song. When it comes on the radio we all stop what we are doing and dance and sing along...

Alton Towers - again

On Thursday we took another trip to Alton Towers. We did this last year and after searching through the blog I've found our post from last time - it is here:

This time we took GranAnne and Granda (well and Gus!)

Here are a few highlights...
Della was mainly excited about sleeping on the top bunk of the bunk beds!

Some dancing on the pirate ship
We went out for dinner and Della got a very special childs dinner. It was chicken wraps that you build yourself but it came in an exciting box


We also hit the pool again. Lucky for us Gus already loves swimming

Especially in his big orange ring!
Can you spot Grandma and Della? The large bucket above them fills with water and then drops it in a huge splash to the people below - luckily they got out of the way in time!

Daddy leaving one of the very big slides!

Then a very big breakfast the next day

A visit from Anna

Last week Anna came to visit. We played with Lucy and Sophie where Della discovered Moshi monsters. They are small little characters with funny names. Della has now officially started collecting them!

While Anna was here it was also pancake day. We did ours with lemon, golden syrup and Nutella! 

Della was shipped off to preschool on the Wednesday and we had a quieter day with the very well behaved Gus. This's only comprised of stopping places for coffee and I even got treated to a proper cream tea... 

We saved this one for Della

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Last weekend was a weekend of firsts. Including...

The first bike wash of the season

Della's first ever trip to the cinema - to watch Shaun the Sheep

Gus had his first trip to the swimming pool

Gus also grew up and started using the jumperoo and bumbo for the first time

And della mastered jenga - she was brilliant at it! 

Thursday 12 February 2015

Oh dear...

Frozen is just not going away! Della and all her friends love it. This happened when we were playing at friends house the other day... 

Gus is happily entertained by all the action involved in building ice castles though 

Benningborough Hall

Just a short drive from us is Benningborough Hall. We don't really go much but after a very pleasant visit on Sunday we will be making this a local haunt 

Some days...

Last Saturday night this happened...

Della waited for tea

Daddy made gin and lemonade

Della got tea (she requested wraps as she has never had them before but her friends at preschool eat them). She loved them

Gus cried so Somon had an interesting wrap experience

The children had a bath 

Brushed teeth

And eventually went to bed!! 

Singing and giggles

There is much to catch you up on.

We will get round to this. In the meantime here are few videos from the last couple of weeks

Imagine this on repeat in your home (and then your head!)

This soon gets it out of your head though!

Gus just seems to be growing up so fast. I'm sure that before we know it he will be talking as much as Della does, singing along to songs with her and telling me, like she did the other day, that her favourite singer is Taylor Swift because her songs are good to sing and dance to and because she has a funny name.

Friday 6 February 2015

Residents weekend

Every year on the last weekend in January residents in York get a free pass to the tourist attractions. Gus was a little poorly with a cold and teething so we decided to hit just one attraction - the Minster. 

Della very much enjoyed! 

She wanted a photo with the man with the funny beard. 

Note the dinosaur in front of the donkey!