Sunday 17 May 2015

A birthday party

On Sunday we went to Della's friends 4th birthday party. It was Abbie's birthday, her best friend (as much as you have a best friend at 4 years old!). It was intense (28 children I think) but lots of fun! 

All dressed up!

Face painted and treasure hunting outside

Gus hung out on a deflated bouncy castle 

Della sliding on the inflated version

Post party cake

Impressive face painting

Tuesday 12 May 2015

More Dalby

We've been to Dalby a few times this year already and have more plans to go so we have bought an annual pass. Exciting! 

Last time we played in the middle of the forest with fewer people around and a river for plodging in. We also had a lovely picnic and played cricket (of sorts) 

Fun time Monday

For a change and to make the most of our time before Della starts at school and I finish maternity leave we went to Piglets on Monday. This is a close by farm and play centre which somehow I've managed to avoid until now! 

It was great and we managed to stay there over 5 hours somehow! 

Here are some shots of our day! 

Milking a cow

Stroking a bunny 

Brushing a pig 

Patting a pony 

Playing golf



Video of della bouncing 

Gus was with us. He had fun and played with sand for the first time!! 

Video of Gus playing 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Bath time

Just some nice pictures of Gus having a snuggle after bath time at Grandmas

Sofa time

After an exhausting day Della and Gus cosy up on the sofa... 

They were watching Peter Rabbit. While Della was engrossed Gus goes for the hair... 

Then pulls hard...

So has to move...

Then kicks and kicks until Della is hanging off the side... 

Then it was tea time and Gus wondered where we could all be...

We've just done this

We are celebrating with biscuits

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Tour de Yorkshire

The Tour de Yorkshire past our house a couple of weekends ago. The bunting was up, the church put out tables and have away free tea and cake and we got to hang out with our *Dellas local friends. Then we called off our *Dellas friends house and watched ourselves on telly. It was a great day 

We popped home for a lunch of sausage and egg...

Then Della got on her bike and competed in the Heworth stage of the Tour de Yorkshire, being chased by her friend Abi