Monday 13 June 2011

Della's first week birthday

So far in her first 7 days Della has: burped; cried; farted; sneezed; coughed. She has also met lots of her family and a few family friends, had a bath which she didn't enjoy at all, gone international via Skype, had a Guthrie test, lost 200gms, seen lots of 24 hour news in the middle of the night, had some lovely presents, but she's mainly made her mum and dad very happy (as well as making them roll around with laughter when she hiccups and farts at the same time with a very cute confused face on!)

Today her dad had to go off to work for a couple of hours for the first time since she arrived. Her mum and her gran Anne took her off to the hospital to have her tongue tie snipped. Not the nicest 1 week birthday present, but she did well having a bright light in her face and a strange doctors hand in her mouth.

The tongue tie (Ankyloglossia) meant that her tongue didn't stick out fully or go up to the roof of her mouth as much as it needed to, which made breast feeding more tiring for her and painful for mum. Nipping this tie doesn't cause any problems and only a very short burst of pain for her, but now means she feeds much more easily with no pain for Angela. She has though discovered her full voice now, and screams louder than ever before (so we've probably been lucky the last 6 days she wasn't at full volume!)

More here:

Roll on the next 7 days (but maybe with a bit more sleep!)

Dad examines the new tongue

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