Friday 29 July 2011

The Antiques Roadshow

We tried to go to the Antiques Roadshow when it was at Chatsworth. One thing and another got in the way and we were gutted we couldn't make it. Then, when I was pregnant, we heard that it was visiting the Museum Gardens and decided we needed to take our chairs there. The chairs were left in our house when we moved in. We loved them but were going to re-upholster them as the fabric was a bit brown and didn't match anything. So I googled them and although we found out they were a design classic we didn't find that much out so they were perfect for the Antiques Roadshow.

This is Simon and Della as we walked to the show:

When we arrived there were queues everywhere - luckily with a small child you can get away with quite a lot and we jumped the first huge queue and got straight into the 'furniture' queue:

We waited for AGES but eventually got seen by the furniture expert. She didn't know what the chairs were so went and got the 20th Century expert. He said he saw the chair from across the field and got very excited. After a little bit of digging around (which we think he did on his iPhone) he came back and without telling us any detail about the chairs asked if we would be happy to be on the show. We of course said yes and were taken to a holding area:

We got a 3.30 spot for make up (I know!! I looked a bit like a doll and Simon looked lovely with his dusting down!) Then it was time for filming and to find out what all the fuss was about!

The crew

Us all miked up

You may be wondering what we did with Della - well the production crew were more than happy to look after her!

So it turns out the chairs were designed by Eric Lyons and the fabric by Marianne Straub. Its called a Demountable Easy Chair from 1946-1950. We are not sure is we will make the cut but if we do it should be aired at the end of the year. 

What an exciting day!!

Monday 25 July 2011

What a weekend...

Della had her first holiday this weekend and went up to Durham on Saturday morning and didn't come home until Sunday night. I forget how large my family is and at the last count she met about 26 new people in the space of 24 hours!

She definitely liked the northern accent and I am still on a mission to make her first words come out with a geordie twang. Although it seems that her first words might be corner, window or mantelpeice. These seem to be her favourite things no matter where she is!

Here are a few shots of her exciting weekend...

watching the grand prix with granda 
Della likes uncle Dave

A nice little cuddle with uncle Alan

The Browne family

Della can't wait til she can have Yorkshire puddings with gravy!!

Della meet Neve, Neve meet Della

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Della asleep

This is a picture of Della looking happily and calmly asleep...

And then this is Della tossing and turning in her sleep. She's never liked being swaddled, preferring to be able to stretch out, though normally she does have a blanket over the top too. 

Sunday 17 July 2011

It's all too much...

For Della and her Dad:

Sunday afternoon naps are the best

Dad had to work this Saturday so Granda and Gran Anne came to keep Della and Mam company. After tea and toast we all took a trip to the shops. Della was a very good girl and even managed to get some free baby hangers from Mamas and Papas. She also got some lovely cuddles after the shops

It's been a BIG week

It has been a very BIG week for Della. She is now 10lb 8oz, still eating very well. In addition she:

Went up a clothes size
Needs the next size nappies
Was promoted out of her basket and into a crib

Della in her crib - kindly borrowed from Our Lindsey! 

Thursday 14 July 2011

A few more pics...

Della and mum lying next to other shortly after arrival 
Feeding time at the bootsale!

Della's first trip to the pub... unimpressed

Della after having her hips checked by ultrasound, and everything looking normal

Monday 11 July 2011

Just too cute

So Della is five weeks old today and yesterday we experienced her first proper smile. It was after her morning feed and she was having a little play with us both and then there it was - the cutest little smile just for us. We felt very privileged (even if we are convinced it might have happened before - this one was official).

We didn't have a camera to hand but you can be sure lots of photos of a smily Della will appear on the blog soon.

Sunday 10 July 2011

A month worth of photos...

Featuring: Della smiling (ish); Della and Collins family members; Della's ear; Della yawning; Della and her parents; Della asleep...
To view full screen, once you've clicked the big triangle, click the button on the bottom right above that looks like 4 small arrows.

Saturday 9 July 2011

it has been such a busy week...

...hence the lack of posts recently.

Last Friday Granda Collins visited again. Della could not believe the uncanny resemblance between her dad and grandad:

Like father like son? 

Della then had her first official picnic for Amy's birthday at Rowntrees park

Can you spot Della? 

At the picnic Della got lots of cuddles...

one from James
then one from Frank
Big grins all around from Michael

Then it was back home to say hello to Gran Anne and Granda Browne. After a few cuddles it was bed time ready for an early start to go to the bootsale on Sunday morning. Amazingly we made it out in good(ish) time and Della managed to enjoy the bootsale mainly asleep. Although, she did have the pleasure of having her milk snack under a muslin cloth at the burger van which was a joy for everyone - especially her mam who was amazed at her skill in hiding a very obvious breastfeeding session in a field full of people looking for a second hand bargain!

After the bootsale we all came home and Della played in the garden with her Gran Anne - under a pretty snazzy sunshade (50p from the Bootsale)...

Since then Della saw the doctor - turns out her rash is normal. She played with the health visitor again while she stepped on the scales again. Turns out she is now 10lb - still feeding well and 'thriving' according to all medical professionals.

During the week she also popped up to see her friend Maisie while her Mam met with Kerry to catch up on work stuff. She even went to Monks Cross to do a bit of shopping this week too with her Gran. It really has been all go.

Thankfully all this adventure has tired out Della which was good news to her Mam who on Thursday night got a little poorly and although the night time feeds were still difficult Della seemed to know that her mam wasn't feeling well and really took it easy on her. Thanks Della x

Friday 1 July 2011

Bizarre new noises

Della received more visitors yesterday.

Her Aunty Anna and Karen arrived for a little visit en route to Robin Hoods Bay for a camping weekend in Crush - Karen's old school VW campervan.

Della was most impressed with the present they brought. A jungle gym. Although there is only a very slight chance that she will learn backflips and the beam at this gym she is happy to have another place to lie  and look out of the window. She has already stared at the flashing lights, decided the toucan can be her Mam's favourite toy on the mat and fallen asleep to the sounds of the jungle - it is surprisingly calming listening to frogs and waterfalls.

In between naps Miss Chalkley also managed a couple of quick cuddles...


All the talk of weekends away sparked more debate in our household about buying a campervan. Normally around this time of year we would be loading the car with a tent and camping stove and heading off into the Dales for star filled nights and lazy mornings with long breakfasts. However, a night with Della under only canvas, would inevitably result in us being asked to leave the field at 4am as she decides it is time for her second feed and nappy change of the night.

Will there be a Collins' family van before the end of the summer...?