Saturday 9 July 2011

it has been such a busy week...

...hence the lack of posts recently.

Last Friday Granda Collins visited again. Della could not believe the uncanny resemblance between her dad and grandad:

Like father like son? 

Della then had her first official picnic for Amy's birthday at Rowntrees park

Can you spot Della? 

At the picnic Della got lots of cuddles...

one from James
then one from Frank
Big grins all around from Michael

Then it was back home to say hello to Gran Anne and Granda Browne. After a few cuddles it was bed time ready for an early start to go to the bootsale on Sunday morning. Amazingly we made it out in good(ish) time and Della managed to enjoy the bootsale mainly asleep. Although, she did have the pleasure of having her milk snack under a muslin cloth at the burger van which was a joy for everyone - especially her mam who was amazed at her skill in hiding a very obvious breastfeeding session in a field full of people looking for a second hand bargain!

After the bootsale we all came home and Della played in the garden with her Gran Anne - under a pretty snazzy sunshade (50p from the Bootsale)...

Since then Della saw the doctor - turns out her rash is normal. She played with the health visitor again while she stepped on the scales again. Turns out she is now 10lb - still feeding well and 'thriving' according to all medical professionals.

During the week she also popped up to see her friend Maisie while her Mam met with Kerry to catch up on work stuff. She even went to Monks Cross to do a bit of shopping this week too with her Gran. It really has been all go.

Thankfully all this adventure has tired out Della which was good news to her Mam who on Thursday night got a little poorly and although the night time feeds were still difficult Della seemed to know that her mam wasn't feeling well and really took it easy on her. Thanks Della x

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