Thursday 26 January 2012

Della goes to Ikea

Last week while up visiting Gran Anne and Granda, Della decided that she wanted a trip to Ikea. Whilst browsing the wares she could not resist jumping into a crate of cushions:
I think Della is worth more than £1.99 don't you?
Apparently Ikea know what they are doing when it comes to babies and children too. However Della managed to find a major design fault in their changing area. I mean why would they put a paper towel holder over the changing area??

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Monday 23 January 2012

Della, meet Apple

How cute is the little lady above? This is Apple the puppy. She belongs for my Uncle and Della met her the other day. It was very exciting for the both of them so a little nap was inevitable. 

Apple must have been having fun dreams as she was wagging her tail so much while sleeping that she managed to push herself off her pillow. I wish I had caught her on video as the moment she fell off would have been a youtube classic.

Monday 16 January 2012

A dance, some sleep and a watermelon

A few recent videos...

Della chatting

Della waking up

Della dancing

When Della met Bluet (one month on...)

Here is a slideshow of some pics we took while they were together

And here are a few short videos from when Della and Bluet first met

On the table


Two for one

Feeding time at the Art gallery

New tastes

As Della is now over 7 months old she is officially as stage two of her weaning. This means exciting new tastes and textures for her and a busy Mam trying to create and make exciting new tastes and textures for her*. So far she has had the delights of beef and tomato risotto, fruity lamb with couscous, pork and apple casserole and this is her trying her first chicken curry, surprisingly spicy for such little taste buds:

In other news the other day a couple walked past our house and stopped outside, looking interested in what was on the floor. I was up like a whippet to see what they found so intriguing and there it was the first of our aberdeenshire snowdrops bursting through the frosty ground, spring is (already) on its way.

Also, here is a cute little video of Della and her daddy having a cuddle

*We have had to resort to buying some of our food and feeding it from the jar

Monday 9 January 2012

Ah one, two, three four...

This is a little video of Della getting to grips with the tambourine Gran Helen Santa got her for christmas.

She's since learnt to make even more noise by banging it against a little drum she's got. Time to get her music lessons so she can turn a racket into a funky beat...

Saturday 7 January 2012

Pesky teeth...

... Though this time it's Angela's not Della's. She had a giant wisdom tooth removed yesterday under General Anaesthetic, so was a bit worse for wear until Della snuggled up to give her a hug on the sofa.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

New Year's Day

This is to be my final post about the festive season, I promise.

As we didn't get to meet up with our chums on New Year's Eve and live it large we decided to meet them for tea in the park - in the pouring rain. Della had her first go on a swing.

And enjoyed having cuddles and watching her Mam eat cake

New Year's Eve

When you have a baby New Year isn't what it used to be. So in the spirit of new and different things we took Della to see the sea for the first time at Whitby on New Years eve. She enjoyed it, especially because she got to go in the back pack for the first time too. Although she didn't get to eat fish and chips she did get to smell ours...

Della found the posh highchair hilarious!

It's all too much

More Christmas

Now the festive season has officially finished I have had a little time to review some of the photos taken during Della's first Christmas - here are the highlights:

After eating mashed turnip and parsnip left over from Christmas dinner Della donned her new hat made by GA Linda

This is the rocking horse Granda made Della for Christmas - I'm sure it will see years of fun

As well as the horse Della enjoyed playing with her Grandas moustache

More family fun

It's been a busy Christmas for Della but at last she can take off her elf shoes

Sunday 1 January 2012

Christmas Dinner 2011

We arrived in Durham to be greeted by lots of family. Della had her first cuddle with her cousin Ethan (dressed as a very smart elf) and Uncle Alan.

Then with the table set the yorkshire puddings were dished up, crackers were pulled, turkey was carved and tummy's were stuffed!

Della and ethan bought Gran Anne and Granda a reindeer for the garden as a christmas present. I'm sure every year they will get excited to see the reindeer in the garden.

Christmas Morning 2011

Me and Simon have never spent Christmas together - shocking I know. This year however we decided it was best to wake as a family in our own home and enjoy Christmas morning together. This is how it went...

6.30am - wake and open stockings (while Della still sleeps)
7.00am - Della wakes - a bit excited about it being Christmas
7.30am - Della has her bottle, gets ready and has porridge for breakfast
8.30am - Della is at last allowed to see her presents

8.35am - Della is at last allowed to open her first present

We realised that if we continued like this Della would not have opened all of her presents before dinner, so we helped her out a little more.

It was lovely spending Christmas morning together but then it was time to bundle into the car with more presents in tow and head to Durham for dinner.

The Best of Bluet

So Uncle ben, Aunty Emily and Cousin Bluet stayed for a few days before Christmas. It was brilliant to have them here. Here are the highlights:

Insert flickr slideshow

Here are a few short videos from their first meeting

On the table


Both at once

Feeding time at the Art gallery