Sunday 1 January 2012

Christmas Morning 2011

Me and Simon have never spent Christmas together - shocking I know. This year however we decided it was best to wake as a family in our own home and enjoy Christmas morning together. This is how it went...

6.30am - wake and open stockings (while Della still sleeps)
7.00am - Della wakes - a bit excited about it being Christmas
7.30am - Della has her bottle, gets ready and has porridge for breakfast
8.30am - Della is at last allowed to see her presents

8.35am - Della is at last allowed to open her first present

We realised that if we continued like this Della would not have opened all of her presents before dinner, so we helped her out a little more.

It was lovely spending Christmas morning together but then it was time to bundle into the car with more presents in tow and head to Durham for dinner.

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