Thursday 23 February 2012

A dummy

As Della does still not nap without a good old cry and because we are flying off to New York soon and the crying herself sleep might just drive ll the other people on the plane crazy I thought it might be a good idea to see if she will try a dummy. We tried her with a dummy when she had her bad colic and many times since and she isn't sure. I feel a bit cruel forcing a dummy on her but if it helps her and stops her getting so upset it could just be worth it.

Here she is trying one out...

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Della and Ethan

We spent a few days in Durham last week. Della spent some quality time with Ethan. I think there is a little resemblance between them...

Happy boy

Della wants to hold hands, Ethan isn't so sure
Then later in the week we went to the park for a walk to see the swans...


The Ps get to push!
Then back for tea and toast

Tuesday 14 February 2012

I love to dance, me and my baby just love to dance...

Just before bath time some funky tunes came on the radio and we all had a little dance. Della got very excited and giggly:

Monday 13 February 2012

A nice day out...

We decided to get out of York yesterday and headed to Ripon, a market town about 45minutes north of York. There we two reasons for this. Firstly, we have got a new car and wanted to give it a good run out and secondly, as Della is a proper grown up now, she has been promoted to a new forward facing car seat:

She loves her new seat - she can now look out of the window and watch the trees fly by

We went for lunch while in Ripon - Della ordered a massive veggie breakfast!

Friday 10 February 2012

Happy eight month birthday

Della celebrated her eight months in the snow just before Gran Helen left. We popped her in the back pack and had a slippery walk to the park.

Della has been to the park much, mainly because I didn't think the swings had those little cages on them meaning she couldn't fall out - it turns out that they do though and she loved them.

She enjoyed the swings:

This was the first time Della has been out in the snow. She found it interesting and obviously the first thing she wanted to do was put it in her mouth!

Then she went on another swing and enjoyed that too...

Sunday 5 February 2012

Gran Helen is here

Gran Helen arrived on Thursday. Just as Della learnt than when she is standing up she can move her legs and slowly put on foot in front of the other, and with someone helping her can actually travel quite a distance. This is another sign that I am doubtful that she will ever crawl - she still dislikes being on her tummy. Instead she has become quite high maintenance and just wants to constantly be on her feet.

Simon had to work yesterday so as a treat me, Della Gran Helen and uncle Nick went to Malton for a little trip out. It was very cold but with Della all bundled up we had a stroll then a coffee and cake.

When we were driving back from Malton it started to snow and didn't stop. Nick and Sarah braved the arctic weather and came for dinner last night which was lovely. The snow was deep when we woke this morning and we would have taken Della out to play in it but she has a bad cold and think it might have been a bit cruel to expose her to such coldness.

It's now Sunday night and after dinner at the table with Della in her new highchair Simon and Helen have just gone out to the ballet. Nice.