Sunday 5 February 2012

Gran Helen is here

Gran Helen arrived on Thursday. Just as Della learnt than when she is standing up she can move her legs and slowly put on foot in front of the other, and with someone helping her can actually travel quite a distance. This is another sign that I am doubtful that she will ever crawl - she still dislikes being on her tummy. Instead she has become quite high maintenance and just wants to constantly be on her feet.

Simon had to work yesterday so as a treat me, Della Gran Helen and uncle Nick went to Malton for a little trip out. It was very cold but with Della all bundled up we had a stroll then a coffee and cake.

When we were driving back from Malton it started to snow and didn't stop. Nick and Sarah braved the arctic weather and came for dinner last night which was lovely. The snow was deep when we woke this morning and we would have taken Della out to play in it but she has a bad cold and think it might have been a bit cruel to expose her to such coldness.

It's now Sunday night and after dinner at the table with Della in her new highchair Simon and Helen have just gone out to the ballet. Nice.

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