Saturday 28 April 2012

A sideshow of more NY pics

These are more pics from our trip to NY, as we start to order and sort the hundreds taken...

Spring cleaning

Just doing some spring cleaning, and found this video of Della doing some reading...


And these photos from the last few months, which have included visits from both grandparents Collins, and some cuddles with mam.


Including these very cute pics...

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Friday 27 April 2012

First dinner at nursery

Yesterday Della went to nursery for dinner and a play for a couple of hours. She was fine as I left but I was n tears. Can't believe she is such a big girl already.

This is her just before she left...

Then when I picked her up, although there had been glowing reports that she had not cried the whole time I was away, her sad face came out and she had a little cry, I felt bad!

She got extra cuddle time in the afternoon...

Then lots of play time with Daddy when he got in from work...

Thursday 26 April 2012

Toddle toddle

Since New York Della has really come along with her walking. She seems overall a little more robust which isn't a bad thing as she starts nursery properly next week when I go back to work. She is currently doing her induction there and seem to be getting on ok. Most of the other children there are boys. Her friend Henry from up the street goes on the same days as her so at least she has at least one friend there. Today she goes for lunch there and I leave her. Should be interesting...

Here she is showing off her walking on her toddle truck...


Here are a few final photos from New York, I'm sure you might be a little bored of looking at our holiday snaps already. So there might be a couple of videos of New York to follow but be assured that these are the last photos 

Just a few f

Tuesday 24 April 2012


So we went to Wall Street, the 9/11 memorial and walked the Brooklyn Bride and hung out in Dunbo in Brooklyn...

Bluet is one! Her party in the park

We were lucky enough to be there for Bluet's first birthday. It was such a treat. She had a party, and amazing cake, in Central Park. It was just beautiful...

As normal, Della has a nap while the exciting things are going on

And some more - Moma

Della very much liked Moma. So much so that while we were there she got her first top tooth! She had started teething on the plane going over which we thought was typical but then it popped through easily with the distractions of ART.

Pollock was her favourite - Hmm.. thought provoking 

Then we got the tube back home. Della very much enjoyed the Subway. Amazingly everyone wanted to talk to her. This was the same everywhere. the people of New York were actually quite friendly, in fact one man on the subway got his phone out and started showing me photos of his 4 month old. He wasn't even a crazy! 

Sink bath time
 Della got me some Paul Smith socks for my birthday. She enjoyed putting them on her arms.

In the bookstore babies just play and tear up the books as they wish - very liberal 

Some more New York moments

While we were in New York we were very privileged to witness Bluet's first hair cut. As you would expect, in New York there are specialist salons for children. they are a bit more fun than our British barbers!

More time in the park 

Where's Della? At Grand Central Station of course

At the lobster bar Della fancied some lobster

Monday 23 April 2012

Some New York moments

While in New York we did lots. Della coped with the flight and time change amazingly - better than any of the adults I think!

On the first morning the boys went off to play football. The three brothers were unsure if they had ever played football all together - if they had it was over ten years ago. So while they were off doing manly things me, Helen and Della went for a stroll up the street. It was our only chilly day and we had lots of fun...

We were a couple of streets away from the Guggenheim, Della liked the sculpture outside it

We hung out on the streets of the Mt, like they do in Gossip Girl

Central park is full of dog walkers with lots of dogs

Della fell asleep at the Alice in Wonderland sculpture

Then it was time to go and meet Bluet and Emily for the second time. When Della first met Bluet she was quite a bit smaller, but now Bluet is virtually walking and burning energy and Della is refusing to crawl and prefers to eat she is a little bigger than her...

Uncles have a cuddle 

Della enjoys the swings in NY too - and even 'high fives' while swinging
Back in our apartment Della enjoyed some lovely strawberries and a walk down 3rd Ave to visit Ben, Emily and Bluet in her backpack

Ben made a lovely cake for Helen for her birthday

Bath tubs are smaller in the big city

Della contributes to a highly intellectual conversation, probably about DubStep

More moments to follow...