Monday 23 April 2012

Some New York moments

While in New York we did lots. Della coped with the flight and time change amazingly - better than any of the adults I think!

On the first morning the boys went off to play football. The three brothers were unsure if they had ever played football all together - if they had it was over ten years ago. So while they were off doing manly things me, Helen and Della went for a stroll up the street. It was our only chilly day and we had lots of fun...

We were a couple of streets away from the Guggenheim, Della liked the sculpture outside it

We hung out on the streets of the Mt, like they do in Gossip Girl

Central park is full of dog walkers with lots of dogs

Della fell asleep at the Alice in Wonderland sculpture

Then it was time to go and meet Bluet and Emily for the second time. When Della first met Bluet she was quite a bit smaller, but now Bluet is virtually walking and burning energy and Della is refusing to crawl and prefers to eat she is a little bigger than her...

Uncles have a cuddle 

Della enjoys the swings in NY too - and even 'high fives' while swinging
Back in our apartment Della enjoyed some lovely strawberries and a walk down 3rd Ave to visit Ben, Emily and Bluet in her backpack

Ben made a lovely cake for Helen for her birthday

Bath tubs are smaller in the big city

Della contributes to a highly intellectual conversation, probably about DubStep

More moments to follow...

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