Monday 17 September 2012

Happy Birthday Helen

It was our friend Helen's birthday party this weekend. We had prepared early and got my mam and dad down to babysit to make sure we could have a fun filled evening enjoying a dance and a drink with our friends.

We went a little early and took Della with to say hello to everyone. She helped Andy fill the ice bucket for the beer outside. She took her role very seriously and hand check every piece of ice to make sure it was cold enough.

We didn't get back until very late (especially by our standards!) so we were very thankful that my parents got Della up, gave her breakfast and took her out for a few hours so we could rest and recuperate.

In the afternoon Granda made a paper airplane which entertained Della for a very long time. He threw it, she chased after it and took it back and so it went on. To make sure we all got some fresh air we then went to the park (our favourite one this time) and did some playing - well me and Simon mainly sat down and Grananne and Granda did some playing.

Della has also decided her favourite fruit is either apples picked form our tree or blackberries picked from any bush she can see...

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