Saturday 6 October 2012

Della on her travels South

Della is asleep upstairs after her second day in Cambridge with Simon and Gran Helen. So far she's been brilliant. She slept from York, through a change of trains in Doncaster (the best way to see Doncaster) until close to Peterborough. She only spent 5 mins at Peterborough before getting on a train to Cambridge. A friendly Southerner (proving they do exist) gave up his seat for us and so she got to eat and draw her way to Cambridge where she was met by Gran Helen and an exciting bus journey to Auckland Road. Which was the best possible outcome from a journey which could have been a bit of a nightmare!!

Napping and En Route to Peterborough

Awake and En Route to Peterborough

A spot of work while on the commute to Cambridge

"I'll just sign this here and here..."

Mmmm Cheerios!

Yesterday we took a walk to the swings, saw some cows and dogs and forgot to bring bread for the ducks. Today Della had a big breakfast of bagels and scrambled eggs and we then walked into town in bright sunshine to try out Cambridge library. She had lots of fun picking up random books and DVDs, and interacting with the other 2ft tall library users. The journey back to the house for bed was a bit fraught, but jetlag was probably catching up on her by then.

After that we went for another walk to the swings, saw more dogs, cows and lots of University rowers, and forgot to bring bread for the ducks a second time. She tried to take a penalty in a park game of football, and developed her John Cleese style silly walk a bit further. Bathtime gave her an opportunity to make sure her baby dolly was as clean as she was.

Favourite words this weekend: BaBa (Baby), Moo, Woof, Zeza (Zebra). She has also learnt to positively identify cats, which is very pleasing to Gran Helen. She can also find the frog in the kitchen and her hat wherever it is.

Gordon Lambsy has been a constant companion this weekend and may need next week off to recover (and a spin in the washing machine)...

More pics to follow once the internet has been fully wound up...

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