Friday 15 February 2013

Happy St Valentines Day

Valentines day may be a reason for some people to go out and spend money proving they love someone - well not in this house. We see it as an opportunity to make something for someone we love and Della has taken this tradition to her heart too this year. 

Firstly she made biscuits at nursery. Her carers there commented that she must do lots of baking at home (she certainly does!!) as she was very good at using the cookie cutters and had lots of patience, being the only child who wasn't distracted by toys and wanted to make sure she stayed baking until the job was done properly! Della could be the next Jamie Oliver or Delia Smith. We have been talking about Gordon Lamsey ever since she was born.

This is also the scene on our mantal piece at the minute. Hand made cards of love ahoy!

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