Monday 29 April 2013

g-helen, Uncle Nick and pretty flowers

Well, we have had a very busy time of late. 

On Thursday and Friday it was Uncle Nick's performances in Leeds. We all managed to get there to see them (apart from Della, she preferred to sleep in the evening). They were brilliant, we were all very impressed and very much enjoyed our evenings watching excellent dialogue performed very well.

On Saturday we went to the North of England Flower Show in Harrogate, as a birthday present for g-helen (this is now how Della refers to Gran Helen). It was a fun day out. We saw some incredible displays, some live cookery and lots and lots of people*. I managed to eventually buy myself a magnolia tree in the shape I wanted and Simon bought another fruit tree (plum this time) for the allotment and g-helen got some short wellies for when she is out saving the planet. It was a lovely day. I don't have many photos, I was too busy looking at things and watching Della, below Della walks to the gates with her bag (she likes to carry something most places we go) and I'm sure Simon will have a few more photos of the day to put up later.  

*including a famous - the ex-England goalkeeper Paul Robinson. 

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