Monday 24 June 2013

Annabel's birthday party

Last weekend Annabel celebrated her first birthday. We went up to play and, as you will see, share some cake with her!

Sausage casserole and veg lasagna

With Annabel

Big chocolate face!

Having a lounge


Here, Della does some laughing while fighting over her giraffe with Pops and Mammy...

Another year, another haircut

Della had her hair cut when she turned 1 years old. Since then she has had her fringe cut by either me or Simon as and when she needed it. But for her Second birthday we thought it might be good to have a professional cut to keep us straight. A yearly birthday haircut may become a habit now! 

She was very well behaved and I think she might have actually enjoyed it a little bit.

Saturday 22 June 2013

How big is Della?!

Every once in a while we measure Della against the door frame. Here she is preparing for the event...

I think either the November of December measurement must have been wrong...

Rumour has it that when you are two you are half the height you will be as a fully grown adult. If that is the case she will roughly be the height below. Nearly as big as Simon and towering over me! 

Thursday 20 June 2013

Daddy go to sleep

Della likes to pat Gordon, and her other friends, to sleep. So when Simon had a lie down at the forest she thought he must want to go to sleep and in her helpful manner tried to sing and pat him off to the land of nod.

It didn't work.

Monday 17 June 2013

Drawing a tree

While we were in the forest Della also did some drawing. She loves to draw, obviously because she sees Simon drawing so much.

When we asked her what she was drawing she said a tree - this was all she could see at the time

'Appy Daddy's Day

Yesterday was Daddy's Day. Della got Daddy lots of coffee and coffee paraphernalia. 

Then she decided to take him to the woods to play. We went to Dalby Forest which is about 40 mins drive from York. It was a very lovely day, the kind memories are made of. Here are a few highlights - there will be some very and cute video's to follow... 

Della carries the blanket for our picnic

Smelling the biggest daisies she has ever seen

Drinking blueberry juice from a big girls cup

Like father like daughter

Where's Della gone...


Then running to look


In the river, plodging

Happy families

A little rest in the boot

The best wigwam ever!

Time for ice cream

Then another rest

Watering the garden

Della likes to help out in the garden. Mainly she digs and waters the plants...

Saturday 15 June 2013

Beach Party

 It was sunny and hot in York so what a perfect day to take Della to the beach to celebrate her second birthday with some of her friends and family. Before we went we opened lots of presents. 

Thank you to everyone - we can honestly say that Della loved everything she got!  

So, boiling hot in York and until about 2 miles before we got to Scarborough. However, at the beach it was a little bit chilly. No, it was actually cold!

We made the most of it though and had a fabulous day playing in the sand and sea and eating barbecue!!

We took over a little bit...

Simon took charge of sausages while Lucy supervised

della did some sliding - thanks to Granda for the photo

Cute family photo

Honestly, it's not freezing cold

I made a lemon cake!

Sophie got burried

The sun did break out

Della doing jobs with Joe

The green hut was ours - at least we could make a cuppa!

It was a lovely day and thanks to those who came. A huge thank you to everyone who sent presents and cards too. They really are appreciated x

Sunday 9 June 2013

A catch up

We went to Scarborough for a day at the beach to celebrate Della's birthday yesterday. There will be more to follow on this. in the meantime... 

Last weekend me and Della took a trip up north leaving Daddy at home to tidy up the garden, work on the allotment and get a break! We spent most of the time outdoors which was just so lovely, so happy the summer has arrived. 

We visited Della's cousin Ethan while we were there and Della and him and so much fun playing in the mud and running around after granda.

Best smile ever Ethan! 

Run Run Run 

Time for dinner

Everyone very happy in the sunshine

More cake please

You can build mud castles, yes

We also spent some time relaxing on a blanket on the garden, well as much as you can relax with a two year old - this mainly means running round and round dragging her on the tractor at the minute

Phew, pooped

Timmy the lamb is the new funniest animal in Dellas life

Time for a break to feed the fish, Della thought they were trying to give her a kiss

nice, a shady camp