Sunday 22 December 2013

Adventures with gran Helen

I thought I had posted this blog before Christmas. Turns out I hadn't. Enjoy...

We have done lots of exciting ad fun things with gran Helen over the past couple of days. A highlight today was talking to Della's cousins in Texas. Della found out that that just as bluet is Ilona's sister. Uncle Ben is daddy's brother. This was very interesting to her.

We also braved the gusty weather and took a refreshing stroll by the river. After a coffee in the fabulous reading cafe at the park we played on the swings and roundabout until it was time for home. 

We spent some time on the bridge talking about the river. Della made her own story up which went something like this... 

If I was to fall in the river I would swim away and be wet. I would swim to the side and meet the birds and then fly home with them (whilst flapping arms like a bird). At home I would get dry and warm in a towel and put my dry clothes on. Demonstrating her new joy for making up her own stories. 

Then she sat on a horse and did some singing

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