Saturday 29 March 2014

A bit late

I'm about a week late on all blog posts at the minute. While simon reads della a new bed time story I'm catching up on last weekend. 

Anna came to visit. It was lots of fun. On Saturday simon went to potter at the allotment and we went to the park. Anna got a bit too adventurous and injured herself slightly when climbing to the top of the climbing frame. Della's only comment was 'but how will she get down?' - not very easily it turned out! I didn't get any shots of the action as I was a little concerned about the possibility of a trip to A&E. I got these though... 

At the park della also asked to go on the bouncey castle slide. She went once but wasn't too keen 

Tuesday 25 March 2014


It's been a week since we went to Whitby but it was lots of fun! We played on the beach... 

His in a cave... 

And ate fish and chips... 

Then played on the arcades... 

Tuesday 18 March 2014

A long drive and a nice chat

Yesterday me and della took a long drive to the beach side in Whitby to meet grandma and granda for fish and chips. On the way we talked about lots of things. My favourite conversation went... 

Della: look mammy more sheep. What do sheep send us? 
Me: what do sheep say? They say baa! You know that. 
D: no, what do they send us? 
M: what do they send us? I don't understand 
D: what do sheep send us? Chickens send us eggs and cows send us milk. What do sheep send us? 
M: oh, I see. Well sheep send us wool. We cut it from their wooly back and make things. 
D: like my wooly slippers? 
M: yes, exactly
D: Gordon is going to shout hello to them... BAAAA!!! 

Then the fun with Gordon talking to the sheep resumed. It's funny to know she thinks every animal has a purpose. 

More on our trip to the beachside later. 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Scandinavian pixies

This week we got a very exciting parcel for simon from granda Andrew. Della is quite excited because now we all match (except she tells us frequently that she doesn't match daddy because he is a boy) 

They also fit together in a cute way... 

Tuesday 11 March 2014

A weekend of parties

This weekend della went to two birthday parties. The first was for Asta who celebrated turning 5 years old. Everyone was so big and della only really knew the birthday girl so it took her a while to mix in and chat to people. But she very much enjoyed Jilly Jelly (child's entertainer) and her party food! 

Possibly the best candles ever - causing quite the fire hazard 

Next it was Henry's 3rd birthday party. Della and Henry have been friends since she was 5weeks old and he was 4months old. However of late they have grown apart, Even though they attend nursery for a couple of dats together and me and Henry's mam meet a few times a month for coffee and play time. 

They used to hug and play now they fight and won't share, making each other cry quite easily. It's more than a phase too, they just seem to be not quite compatible. When they are happy in each other's company they are not playing together, this is odd to see from della as normally she just wants to chat with and engage her playmates. 

Anyway, it was a fun party and luckily for della Henry loved his present so she was in favour for pretty much the whole party. Regardless there was cake and a bouncy castle so she was happy 

Friday 7 March 2014

The seaside at whitby

On our week off we took a drive to the coast to be beside the seaside. Although it wasn't quite as chilly as your typical February day in the north it still wasn't what you might consider 'beach' weather. Regardless we took the bucket and spade and when the sun did poke out it was really quite beautiful. 

Della drew this in the sand. It is a fish by a tree

It being Whitby we obviously had fish and chips on. Bench looking out to sea

Della found some old rope and ran around with it, sometimes pretending it was a tail

Pancake day

It was shrove Tuesday this week and that means pancakes!

As della is very handy in the kitchen - so far we've taught her to peel carrots (potatoes are a tad tricky as they are round), any mixing, cracking eggs, the washing up, hanging out the washing and cleaning, which I think is her best favourite. So on pancake day it was her turn to do some pouring of batter into a bubbling hot frying pan. Some might say this job is a tad dangerous for a two and half year old but della is always very careful! 

She did well... 

And here are the finished products, we kept it simple with sugar, lemon and syrup 

Tuesday 4 March 2014


So, Della has been a little bit ill for the last week or so. It started as just a cold but then turned into an ear infection so she needed to see a doctor and to take some medicine to make her better.
Before it turned nasty this is what she sounded like...

 And she wanted to do lots of lying around like this...

Monday 3 March 2014

A week off work

We have had a long overdue week off work this week. We mainly went to Whitby, decorated our spare room, dealt with illness and went to Alton Towers indoor water park. There will be more on the rest but here are the water park highlights... 

When we told della we were going on holiday she assumed we were going on an aeroplane to lanzarote. 

This is not an aeroplane! 

I'm still happy to be here though... 

After two and a half hours in the car she was still excited to arrive at a very fun hotel completely themed around children. She told us the highlight of her holiday was sleeping in a bunk bed, it's amazing how thrilling it was for her! 

Her next favourite thing was the king in the castle, after a little probing we realised this was the fortune telling machine in the arcade! 

She also liked the giant boat for climbing 

The fun things dotted around the hotel... 

The outdoor water fountain and animals ( although she was not keen on the ferrets until simon told her they looked like dusters, when she thought they were all about the cleaning, just like her, she came round to them!)

The troll like in the billy goats gruff...

Her massive breakfast... 

And finally the water park, except for all the splashing. However we couldn't take photos in the water park so these are from the walk way... 

All in all, for a bargain price, it rounded off our week off work perfectly!!