Monday 28 April 2014

This weekend

Simon has been to Aberdeen this weekend (when Ethan's grandma Aunty Joan asked where Aberdeen is della replied with a comical little laugh and said a very long way away implying everyone should already know this!). So we took a trip to Durham for the weekend. 

Here is a very happy and proud Della with her bag (and baby) ready to go out... 

While up there we did lots of playing with Ethan. First it was at Ikea... 

It was a fun trip out. We obviously bought some things we absolutely couldn't live without any more and mainly heard lots of little giggling as Della and Ethan enjoyed their time together so much. It really is quite adorable how they know they are more than friends, that they are family - it means they can laugh at each other and the next minute shout and cry at each other before a cuddle and more giggles. 

Then on Sunday Ethan came for Sundays dinner. They mainly ran around chasing each and laughing, then quiet time with book reading, then dinner, then an argument, then some sorrys, a handshake and some more laughing. 

Before dinner Della practised her grumpy face, which she removes by tickling herself

Below you can see the beautiful fringe cut I gave Della over a week ago now - can you imagine how wonky it looked after it had been done! Luckily her annual birthday professional haircut is rapidly approaching! 

Friday 25 April 2014

Easter Sunday

We woke with a very excited della on Easter Sunday. At nursery the Easter bunny had left big muddy footprint whilst leaving all the children little chocolates in the boxes they had made and decorated for themselves. We knew as soon as della had seen even a glimpse of chocolate that's all she would eat and on Easter Sunday that's ok - but we had a plate full of normal eggs first...  

Then the egg hunt began. There were 12 little eggs and 4 others presents. 

I've got some videos of the hunt which I will put up later. By 9.15am we were done and this was happening... 

Then on her new sunglasses and gardening gloves (the Easter bunny also brought practical gifts) we headed out to do some serious gardening! 

This continued into Monday and included a trip to the garden centre where della found these... 

Easter Saturday

Was quieter than Friday. After meeting gran Anne and granda at the bootsale we strolled around and got a few bargains and some plants for the garden. As it was a sunny day we stayed and played in the garden for the rest of the day. 

Simon worked on his old/new bike (della helped a bit) 

Then we had the first BBQ of the season (the second was on Monday when a few friends popped round). 

Wednesday 23 April 2014

The Best Good Friday

So it's been Easter weekend which meant four full days of family time. It was just perfect. 

On Friday we went here

To the Dales, to be more precise to the exact spot where simon proposed to me many years ago. The weather was delightful, we took a picnic and stayed there all day playing and paddling 

Monday 14 April 2014

Gran Helen's visit

Gran Helen came to visit the other weekend. Amongst other things, Della took the opportunity to show off her lovely wheelbarrow from Grandad Andrew, and take it to the allotment for the first time.

She also planted some potatoes, then filled some pots with soil to plant sunflowers in. She thinks they will grow 'Bigger than Daddy, but not as big as a house.' We'll see... 

Then she painted her hands and made beautiful artworks which we may well have somehow recycled since. The art-worlds loss I think....

Catching up on some pics

A few pics from the Beachside the other week...

And this pic from Della's first exhibition!!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Our Gordon

We have been increasingly encouraging Della to not take Gordon out of the house. We are pretty fearful that she might lose him whilst out. She did this was a dolly bag a couple of weeks ago and although she didn't cry when it happened she was very sad and kept asking if someone else was playing with her dolly bag - it was pretty heart-breaking so I can't imagine what it might be like if Gordon was to leave us.

She left him behind one weekend and this is her going to get him on her return. The sheer joy she has is expressed by bashing him around a bit and then having a chat with him...


Della loves all her friends (stuffed toys) very much. She also enjoys pottering quite a lot and making sure they are all happy.

Here she demonstrates the little dance she does for them to make them happy, her creative use of things for a bed - including a large blue bowl and some tubbaware - and how they all have to be in the 'right' order...

Monday 7 April 2014

A couple of visitors

Last week grandma and granda came for a quick visit. We went to a different park which has a train and della had a tea time picnic. 

After that and when daddy came home we went for a stroll to the allotment. Della choose scooter as her main mode of transport

Then at the allotment she showed off the flowers she had plant, visited the chickens and choose shoulders as her main mode of transport home... 

Car cleaning

The other day I wanted to Hoover the car out - della insisted the lights needed washing so I gave her a sponge and some bubbly water. She also insisted wearing a coat kindly donated from a friend which is clearly ill fitting just now but she loves it. 

Mother's Day

In keeping with being a week late on posts this one is from last Sunday. It was Mother's Day. Simon and della went sneakily down stairs and returned with a tray of goodies which included a cuppa, three presents and two cards. 

This was the wonderful card della made, I'm sure, all by herself... 

After that I was treated to breakfast/lunch out. We went to a new American diner... 

Della very much enjoyed watching all the people... 

She had the house special - three fried eggs on a plate - possibly her favourite meal in the whole wide world at the minute... 

Then we had ice cream. It had popping candy on it which della did not like and kept asking it to stop.