Monday 28 April 2014

This weekend

Simon has been to Aberdeen this weekend (when Ethan's grandma Aunty Joan asked where Aberdeen is della replied with a comical little laugh and said a very long way away implying everyone should already know this!). So we took a trip to Durham for the weekend. 

Here is a very happy and proud Della with her bag (and baby) ready to go out... 

While up there we did lots of playing with Ethan. First it was at Ikea... 

It was a fun trip out. We obviously bought some things we absolutely couldn't live without any more and mainly heard lots of little giggling as Della and Ethan enjoyed their time together so much. It really is quite adorable how they know they are more than friends, that they are family - it means they can laugh at each other and the next minute shout and cry at each other before a cuddle and more giggles. 

Then on Sunday Ethan came for Sundays dinner. They mainly ran around chasing each and laughing, then quiet time with book reading, then dinner, then an argument, then some sorrys, a handshake and some more laughing. 

Before dinner Della practised her grumpy face, which she removes by tickling herself

Below you can see the beautiful fringe cut I gave Della over a week ago now - can you imagine how wonky it looked after it had been done! Luckily her annual birthday professional haircut is rapidly approaching! 

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