Saturday 31 May 2014


On an old pub car park next to Della's nursery some builders are busy digging holes and building houses. All the children stand at the windows watching the construction - I'm sure the workmen love it! 

This prompted Della's first homework task of building her own house at home. As you can imagine, we fully embraced the homework, simon got especially creative... 

Drawing around the box to make sure the carpet fits 

Sticking some flowers on the back of the house

Colouring the chimney in

The house is decorated with paintings della has previously brought home. 

The finished house complete with garage

Our bikes and helmets in the garage 

Our wellies outside. Inside all walls and floors are carpeted. The little chap here is Ethan - he is meant to be happy because he is indoors playing with della

And here is della and her friend Siri

Friday 30 May 2014

A trip north

After breakfasts and hair cuts on Saturday we drove up north to visit grandma and granda. Della got to ride on the new rocking horse granda has made

As a treat she also got to spend extended time in pajamas in the morning

Although we got caught in the rain while shopping for a swimming costume for my ever growing tummy della was pretty happy with her brolly 

On Sunday afternoon we met with Ethan and took a trip to the park

Our trip was cut short just after this photo was taken. I was having a race with della and she took a nasty tumble and split her lip open. After trying to console her in vain she asked if she could go home. She still has a fat, cut lip. 

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Instablog from the bath

M: you smell sweet
Della: you smell grumpy
M: what does daddy smell of? 
Della: grumpy, no happy
M: what does della smell of? 
Della: useful 

Saturday morning

Consisted of these double yolkers... 

Then della got her yearly haircut (excluding mammy trims on her fringe) at the hairdressers, this time daddy got his hair cut at the same time... 

She loved being a big grown up girl and excitedly picked up her hair and Simons hair from the floor to compare! After hair cuts we drove to Durham. More on this soon. 

Last night

After two days swimming in a row, over a week of no naps and a generally tiring time Della was being a bit clingy and grumpy so Simon decided to cheer her up.

First they looked at music.

Then we danced.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

It's been a while...

It's been pretty busy recently, with the sunny weather arriving it feels like there are so many places to go, people to see and gardens and allotments to water! 

This week end we went to a barbecue at out friends house. They have a little girl a year younger than della and a new baby. We all filled our bellies and had a fun time with friends... 

We have spent lots of time in the garden recently, it's been lovely

Here della strips off and puts my shoes on to chase bubbles in the garden

More exciting tales to follow...

Monday 19 May 2014

A visit from Grandad Andrew and Uncle Nick

Grandad Andrew visited the other weekend, and Uncle Nick made a flying visit too. We spent a bit of time on the allotment - putting in some asparagus and garlic, as well as sheltering in the shed from a short downpour. 

Della obviously had a lovely time, and didn't get too upset when the train took Grandad Andrew away back to Aberdeen.

Sunday 11 May 2014

This is happening...

For those of you who don't already know this is happening...

We needed to tell Della she was getting a baby sister or brother as people started to ask about my growing tummy was due (26th October). This is how she took the news... My favourite bit is when she says she will shuffle along for it to join our family. 

Later when she was in bed she wanted to talk about the baby... She was very sleepy and therefore started talking randomly about the things she would do with the baby - like playing pass the parcel. 

Friday 2 May 2014

A nice day in the garden

As the weather changes and the days get longer we are enjoying more and more time in the garden. On Tuesday morning (after a few days in Aberdeen) we were lucky enough to have simon go into work late which meant some pottering in the garden and the construction of a new washing line just for della. She was very excited!

We then ran to gym club and then had lunch with our friend Henry but after that it was socks and shoes off and intensive play! 

Della insists on a seat to hang out her washing 

She really is so happy that Gordon has been in the washer and can now hang out on her new washing line...
Here, Gordon does some swinging on the washing line... 


Then it was on to watering the plants... 

I do understand that to some this looks more like child labour than play but della loves it and she did get a rocket shaped lolly for all her hard work... 

To our disappointment nap times are now not normal however after our busy Tuesday della asked to watch a little bit of telly. In 5 minutes to took me to make a cuppa I returned to this sweet image... 

Then simon returned home early and we all had tea together... 

Then finally just before bath time a lovely snuggle and a story. 

It really was a lovely day