Saturday 31 May 2014


On an old pub car park next to Della's nursery some builders are busy digging holes and building houses. All the children stand at the windows watching the construction - I'm sure the workmen love it! 

This prompted Della's first homework task of building her own house at home. As you can imagine, we fully embraced the homework, simon got especially creative... 

Drawing around the box to make sure the carpet fits 

Sticking some flowers on the back of the house

Colouring the chimney in

The house is decorated with paintings della has previously brought home. 

The finished house complete with garage

Our bikes and helmets in the garage 

Our wellies outside. Inside all walls and floors are carpeted. The little chap here is Ethan - he is meant to be happy because he is indoors playing with della

And here is della and her friend Siri

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