Tuesday 16 December 2014

A visit from James

On Sunday James came round for tea. Della loves James. Her affection for him started when she realised many shoes ago that they both had converse trainers. Although both have new ones now, they both still chat about their converse. 

This was the first time Gus had met James. He was instantly taken and happy to have a cuddle. 

This was also a big day for Della as it was her first vientetta ice cream. She ( obviously) loved it! 

After this we all got involved in some role play - some shop keeping and selling and buying but mainly looking after babies , which was odd as Della rarely does this any more. Daddy had Gus, James had Rita and Della had Annabel - I was allowed a break from baby duties! 

James feeds Rita whist trying to have a conversation... 

Simon was also declared king of the house by Della, I guess this will happen less frequently as she grows older

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