Sunday 26 July 2015


We have so much 'stuff' in our house. In a bid to try and start clearing before work starts we have been gathering the things we don't use (or don't fit the children any more) ready for the first Sunday we are a) at home b) don't have visitors and c) the weather is ok ready to have a bootsale. Today was the day. Simon stayed at home with Gus (as there wasn't enough space in the car for all of us and our 'stuff') and I took della off to the bootsale to sell really doors. 

Della was very very excited to sit in the front seat - this has never happened before and although it legal we have avoided it as she would then want to be in the front for every trip! 

Although it was tough getting sorted with Della wanting to play she was mainly engaged in real life playing shops - she was on bag and money dury. 

We arrived at 7am and left just before 1pm. Not a bad effort and we only returned with about a third of our 'stuff' which will be saved to go with all the new 'stuff' ready for the next one - it may even find a small holiday! 

In the front seat! 

Our cool space! 

It wouldn't be the same without a bacon and egg sandwich! 

For being good she was allowed to buy one thing - thankfully she choose some 10p glasses! 

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