Tuesday 22 September 2015

Visits from the Wilsons and Grandad Andrew

We've had visits from the Collins half of the family recently. First of all Linda and Richard visited. 

We went to visit their stall at a new ceramics show in york. Della was very impressed with the teapot, and her new 2 handled breakfast bowl that Richard kindly made her. She's got her dolly Rita in a makeshift sling here too...

Then Grandad Andrew came to stay. He did some crafting with Della while Gus slept. 

Then helped Gus with lunch.

Della's been working on her hipster look


Also, recently Gus has been trying on hats.. 

Friday 11 September 2015

First week

At last Della's first week is over. It's been a tough one as although she has only been there each day 8.30-11.30 she has been exhausted. This has required some premiership parenting to prevent her just lying on the sofa watching telly (although this has happened too!) 

Activities have included biscuit baking with friends, crafts (a lot of crafts!), solar system making, flower shop visiting, practising writing and baking. 

She also got to wear a different uniform and on occasion got quite cheeky and so stones tearful

The vases were her choice after taking through the recycling 

Thursday 10 September 2015

Walking and face painting

Gus is up and running now - crawling all over the place. He's also keen on trying to walk now - this is him getting some help to travel from Mammy and Della

The other day Mammy was brave enough to let Della paint her face. This is the result...

Della on 2 wheels

On holiday, della started to learn to ride her bike without stabilisers on. She's been wanting to do this for a while and holiday seemed a perfect place to start. We had a go each day, and she gradually learnt to keep pedalling and steer. Her biggest problem is getting constantly distracted by absolutely anything else, and then losing control of the bike.

Back in York, mammy managed to coach della into cycling round the bottom half of the bowling green, and she can now cycle a fair distance with no support. 

Gus enjoyed watching too

Tuesday 8 September 2015

First day

Today was Della's first day at school. She was excited to be going but remained calm all morning. Putting her uniform on was the most exciting thing for her. 

When she was picked up she was happy about her visit and looking forward to going again tomorrow! 

Sunday 6 September 2015

Henry, Alfie and Flora

Are the names of Della's good friends. She met Henry at four month old and used to go to preschool with him and play at his house on none preschool days. As it happened their family was visiting Northumberland at the same time we were so after a quiet morning hanging out in the van watching a film, playing with the flying fairy and obviously doing LOADS of crafts ( who goes on holiday and the first thing that is unpacked is the craft cupboard?!) we welcomed out friends onto our camp. We went swimming, played games and hit the showbar! 

Della got a very special headband - this was definately a holiday for treats! 

Spot Della dancing with Henry

The kids went up for a photo with the giant monkey 4 times. They thought they had to. We watched and laughed

More from our visitors

In a rather large revelations before we left for holiday Della sheepishly told me that she had never won pass the parcel. She was a little bit sad at this and believe me she has been to enough parties and played it enough! 

So as it was Granda's birthday we played pass the parcel and guess who won a quite impressive flying fairy

We then played on the arcades and got fish and chips ( the childrens meals came in a plastic boat which is obviously as exciting as it get when you are a child - that and eating coco pops out of a plastic boat!) 

Then it was time to hot the disco with giant dancing animals again! 

Friday 4 September 2015

Granda's birthday

Grandma and granda came to visit us the day after Granda's birthday. We obviously pretended it was his actual birthday and started with presents then a trip to the beach. 

Granda got his very own lego birds set! 

At the beach we caught fish and crabs and generally played in the sand and on the rocks