Sunday 25 October 2015

Last weekend

This week Della and Gus went to stay in Dirham for a whole 2 nights - more on what we did another time. 

Last weekend though we did a small about of work in the garden before winter sets in. After a trim of the hedge Della decided to make a nest out of the cuttings. Then she asked to dress up like a bird - luckily we were able to squeeze her into the penguin jumper we made her years ago! Like a true dedicated mummy bird she sat on her eggs and warmed them until they hatched. The hatched eggs were a combination of any bird that could be found in our house - testament to the amount of stuff we have and don't get rid of of we were able to find 9 birds in just the kitchen - although one was freshly made. 

She fought off owls and eagle to protect her best - GranAnne as an owl which randomly swooped surprising Della was my favourite! 

Gus never stays still and now that it's damp pretty much all of the time changing trousers and washing his clothes has become slightly tedious so we were very happy to get him a puddle suit (let's hope he doesn't take to crawling through puddles though!) 

Note the scaffolding around our house - this is for the extension we are having built. Again there will be more on this in another post 

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