Monday 25 January 2016

The creative gene

Runs deep in the family

Head gear

It's all about hats and things on your head with Gus - preferably these items do not belong to him

Just cute

How Gus responds to being told to sit down in the bath...

Uncle nick

Popped in to see us on Friday. The children were very excited to see him

There was some racing

And some noseying in his van

Gus walks - proof

At last some video of Gus walking !! These were taken last weekend, he is already much quicker and more confident on his feet and has chosen not to crawl at all since finding his feet

and again


Friday 22 January 2016

This week

It's been an odd week. 

Della went to dance class happily on Monday - a friend from school goes now so she has fallen back in love with it! 

Gus has mainly being causing trouble - in hats! 

Whilst it was getting the Hoover to clean up another mess Gus found a pot of peas on the bench, climbed the step, reached for them, fell off, banged his head hard on the floor and left this in his wake... 

There was a sick day from school - the whole lot of them seem to be getting a 'sickness bug

Then Della obviously felt bad about not being at school and wanted to 'work' 

And as our builders get close to finishing all the work Gus is as sick of the mess as I am! 

Sunday 17 January 2016

Cousin Ellis

Had his first birthday this week. We took an impromptu trip up north to see everyone. On the way we called off at IKEA - to pick some things for our new room which is well on its way to being finished 

Thursday 14 January 2016


Della gets proper homework to do now. After school and after after school club and after tea tonight Della wanted to do her homework. 

Because Gus just wants to copy Della he did some homework too. 

Here are a few more examples of how Della is getting on. All spelt by herself... 

The teacher photocopied this and sent it home for us 

Della said we had to pretend the two Qs at the end were Os! 

Gus walks

Gus has been walking for a couple of weeks now. I have video but it's a tad more complicated to put up so you can wait in anticipation for it... 

Sunday 10 January 2016

Soft play

What to do on another drizzly Sunday. Hit a new soft play area and hope it won't be too full of screaming kids and you get to sit and watch your own while drinking coffee. 

The reality is that every other parent thought the same (luckily we knew some of them) and that gave Della some play mates, although the inevitable squeeze through a gap designed for a four year is always undignified! 

Gus loved it.

Frozen peas

I love frozen peas. Simon thinks this is weird. The kids don't. They have them as a snack, and love them! 

Last day of freedom

Before Della started back to school and I started back to work (after 15 months as a full time mammy) we headed out to Dalby on a damp chilly Sunday! 

Soup from a flask in child's play house!