Saturday 24 December 2011

Happy Birthday Simon and baby parties

So Simon celebrated his birthday this week. We began the celebrations on Sunday with a meal out with a few of our friends - it was lovely.

Then we had Della's cousin arrive which was very very exciting but before thi Della went to a Christmas party at her Under one's group. Fancy dress was essential...

Della just wanted to snuggle with Henry

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Della meet Bluet

The first meeting of Della and Bluet is drawing to a close. They went to the railway museum, a library storytime, had a pub lunch, met up with Della's grandparents, and have pretty much synchronised their eating and sleeping times.

At the moment they are both asleep upstairs while their parents recover on the sofa with a glass of whisky. It's obvious they've enjoyed meeting each other, and especially each others toes.

For a bit of fun we also got the paint out. The picture here is the result of their artistic efforts - Della in red and Bluet in blue...

Saturday 17 December 2011

Della's beautiful new teething ring

Della received a lovely present yesterday - a fine silver teething ring hand made by Nik Stanbury, the jeweller we made our wedding rings with. Simon's been making a film with Nik over the past year, and this beautiful gift has come at just the right time - having started teething about 3 months ago, we're all hoping she has teeth for Christmas! It's covered in dribble now, which proves she likes it!

(our wedding rings - not quite this shiny anymore!)

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Della and her first Christmas party

So last Saturday we got Della all dressed up in suitable attire and went to her first Christmas party.

She met lots of new people and although on the whole she was quite happy the new smells, sounds and people got her a little upset. She is also still teething, although no teeth yet so she had to leave the party a little early and missed out on all the drunken antics. Even though she was a little bit grumpy she still enjoyed some cuddles...

Della and her experiment

Following on from our session in the lab at the university Della brought home her vest and mic. She looks like a foreign correspondent in a war zone with a bullet proof vest on I think.

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She tried to eat it a few times and we did have to turn it off when we went to a Christmas party but all in all she did very well with it. It didn't stop her wanting a cuddle or playing with her toys.

When the chap came to pick it up he explained what they were actually going to be listening out for. It turned out it was how and when we said her name in a hope of understanding how babies build sentences around words they like - mainly their own name. They were also listening out for nicknames we give her. Della Doodle is a favourite of Simons. I'm genuinely looking forward to hearing the results.

Thursday 8 December 2011

An eventful couple of days

In a great family tradition Della went to university for the first time today. She is taking part in a linguistics study for babbling babies. We sat in a soundproof box (me with headphones on) and Della heard fun sounds and looked at pretty lights. The next stage of the study involves her wearing a vest with a mic in all weekend. This should be interesting!

Before this Nick and Sarah had a little visit on Sunday and brought curly fries - this was perfect for me as I had managed to stay out in town until 2.30am on a night out with the girls so all I wanted was hangover food.

We then went up to Durham for a few days - apart from Della and her grizzly gums - it was a lovely couple of days.  Della also wrote her christmas list for Santa while we were there. Mainly she wants some new toes - her's are staring to run out:

She also did some chuckling in her new stripy jumper. If you look closely you can also see the dribble pouring from her mouth!

Sunday 4 December 2011


Me and Della are off up to Durham for couple of days. In the meantime I hope you enjoy this little video...

Thursday 1 December 2011

Does Della know her name...

... Or does she just like the sound of my voice?

Dolly friends

Before our DIY adventures Mille, Rich and their Daughter Asta came for a little visit. Millie is 7 months pregnant and looking incredible on it. When Asta left she decided to rename one of her Doll's Della. This is perhaps one of the cutest things ever and I can't wait to tell Della this when she is older. Here they are having a cuddle...

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Della does DIY

For the past couple of days we have had my parents visiting to help us with some DIY, uncle Nick came round to help too. Mainly putting lots of shelves up in the dining room and some sorting in the loo. Della could not resist, so she popped on her builders dungers, got out her tape measure and got involved.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Clever Girl

It has gotten to the point where Della is falling asleep just before her food or her bath time. She was on her way to the bath below, and sat on the cracket she napped off.

So her routine changed yesterday. This means one less bottle and more real food. She also went to get weighed yesterday. She is now a whooping 18lb and has gone up a quartile on the measurement scale. I can hardly keep up with appetite now and I'm boiling, steaming and blending like never before. I cannot wait until she can just eat whatever we are having.

She is also enjoying cuddles more now and likes to rub her face against ours, it's a bit sweet.

Sitting is still going very well and it seems she is sitting independently quite early. I think she is also quite clever. She realized her doggy didn't have a pulse the other day and immediately started resuscitation.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Della over the last couple of months

Here are a few pics of Della from the last couple of months. She's been enjoying spending time with Gran Helen, trying out her new cardigan knitted by Great Auntie Linda, being fed by Uncle Nick, falling asleep when she's meant to be being fed by her dad... and being lifted up above mums head...

Sunday 13 November 2011

Banana, urgghhh!!

Gran Helen has been here for the weekend which has been lovely - more on this to follow. While Gran Helen was here we decided to introduce another 'meal time' at Della's brunch bottle. Mashed banana was the additional meal of choice. Della did not like mashed banana, but she did persevere...

Then 20 minutes late back out it all came. Della will not be having banana for another couple of weeks.

Friday 11 November 2011

Now, I sit

Out of nowhere Della has started to sit up by herself. Soon she will be hoovering and doing handstands.

Sunday 6 November 2011

An interesting week

It's Sunday night and we are coming to the end of interesting week for Della. Firstly, our friends of Jehovah called again. It seems they have realised that we are in the house of an afternoon (mainly while we try and get Della to have a proper afternoon nap - rather than her normal 20 minutes). Therefore they like to pop round for a chat and often leave us literature to read. This is what Della thought of the latest 'truth' they delivered.

Then as we were watching the world go by a lorry arrived outside. 

She was already slightly suspicious as I had cleaned the area where her buggy is normally parked a little more vigorously than normal. It was for this - my amazing new (although it is really quite old) dresser. After it arrived I could not wait for Della to fall asleep so I could dust it!

I love it!
Then overnight on Friday Della was uncharacteristically awake during the night. From 3am she cried and was generally quite upset. At first we thought she was just not tired but when it came to her morning bottle and she was still upset we knew it was more than just being annoyed at having to sleep. So after a quick call then trip to see the GP it turned out she had a virus. She spent the rest of the day feeling a little sorry for herself and just wanting to fall asleep on us. She normally doesn't like falling asleep on us so it was quite cute. She is feeling much better now and is gradually getting back to her cheery self. 

Then on Saturday night, as we had already organised babysitters (my parents came down from Durham) we decided to plough ahead with our plans and celebrated Bonfire night as we always do. In front of a fire at a local pub.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Now, I roll

So yesterday Della did a very special thing. She has been threatening to do it for a week or so now...

Then again and again and again. It is her new favourite thing...

However, nothing, including her favourite octopus, will make her roll when she is comfy on Mam and Dad's bed...

Now she just has to learn to roll back. I've heard this can take months!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Another week, another city

Simon has been working away in Manchester for the week which left me and Della twiddling our thumbs. Instead of staying in York and getting bored of the sight of each other I thought it would be more entertaining to go to Durham where Della could play with her Gran and Granda and her cousin.

While we were there Della was a little poorly. It's so difficult to know what is wrong when she can't tell you but our normal happy and chatting Della decided she didn't like her routine and spent form the early afternoon until after her normal bedtime crying. Therefore telling us there was something wrong. She normally dislikes snuggling in and prefers her own space to fall asleep and entertain herself, however all she wanted to do was snuggle.

We did get up too some exciting things while up north though. Including a trip to the metrocentre and Della's first experience of Ikea:

She enjoyed puree carrot, not meatballs and chips
 Throughout her trip to Ikea her Granda entertained Della was a hand puppet, it was only right that he bought so she could enjoy it at home.

As Della didn't have her Jumperooo in Durham she was missing jumping around - luckily this was anticipated and the good old door bouncer was brought out.

Finally, after an exciting week - Della fell asleep on the settee with Granda

Thursday 20 October 2011

First taste

The time came yesterday for Della to try her first real food. We decided to go with baby rice for a couple of days to ease the transition and then on Saturday she will have her first vegetables.

It went surprisingly well and she had two big spoonfuls. We were prepared for her to just spit it out but she would have continued eating more if we had let her.

She was quite entertained by the food on her face. Think she might turn out to be a messy eater, must remember the bibs!

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Things Della did in Durham

So last week Della spent a few days in Durham. She found the change from hard yorkshire water to soft northern water a little difficult - it's amazing she could taste the difference, although I always notice a difference when I was my hair.

She did lots of things including:

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands with Gran Anne

Cried with Mam

Decide she wants to be scientist (like her Grandad and Uncle Ben)

Had tummy time with Granda

 Watch France beat Wales in the rugby world cup (she was not happy about this - red is her favourite colour)

Enjoyed playing with her cousin, Ethan