Sunday 6 November 2011

An interesting week

It's Sunday night and we are coming to the end of interesting week for Della. Firstly, our friends of Jehovah called again. It seems they have realised that we are in the house of an afternoon (mainly while we try and get Della to have a proper afternoon nap - rather than her normal 20 minutes). Therefore they like to pop round for a chat and often leave us literature to read. This is what Della thought of the latest 'truth' they delivered.

Then as we were watching the world go by a lorry arrived outside. 

She was already slightly suspicious as I had cleaned the area where her buggy is normally parked a little more vigorously than normal. It was for this - my amazing new (although it is really quite old) dresser. After it arrived I could not wait for Della to fall asleep so I could dust it!

I love it!
Then overnight on Friday Della was uncharacteristically awake during the night. From 3am she cried and was generally quite upset. At first we thought she was just not tired but when it came to her morning bottle and she was still upset we knew it was more than just being annoyed at having to sleep. So after a quick call then trip to see the GP it turned out she had a virus. She spent the rest of the day feeling a little sorry for herself and just wanting to fall asleep on us. She normally doesn't like falling asleep on us so it was quite cute. She is feeling much better now and is gradually getting back to her cheery self. 

Then on Saturday night, as we had already organised babysitters (my parents came down from Durham) we decided to plough ahead with our plans and celebrated Bonfire night as we always do. In front of a fire at a local pub.

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