Thursday 24 November 2011

Clever Girl

It has gotten to the point where Della is falling asleep just before her food or her bath time. She was on her way to the bath below, and sat on the cracket she napped off.

So her routine changed yesterday. This means one less bottle and more real food. She also went to get weighed yesterday. She is now a whooping 18lb and has gone up a quartile on the measurement scale. I can hardly keep up with appetite now and I'm boiling, steaming and blending like never before. I cannot wait until she can just eat whatever we are having.

She is also enjoying cuddles more now and likes to rub her face against ours, it's a bit sweet.

Sitting is still going very well and it seems she is sitting independently quite early. I think she is also quite clever. She realized her doggy didn't have a pulse the other day and immediately started resuscitation.

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