Wednesday 17 August 2011

Busy times

As well as visiting her Dad at work Della has been up to lots and lots over the past weeks. Here are some of the highlights:

I went to get my hair cut and returned to find simon and Della dancing round the kitchen:

Stevie Wonder rocked our kitchen
We decided to get our social life back and invited a few people round for  barbecue given all the lovely sunshine we had been having. As you would expect the rain came a pouring and we were forced to use Della's shade umbrella to protect the hallumi and steak!

Then her new friend Seth visited, however, she wasn't best pleased that he wanted to play on her jungle gym. After sharing it with him and continuing to bop him on the head she decided she wanted to lie on her blanket instead. Her first lesson in sharing did not go well.

Then Anna visited. It was poop day (Della has decided she doesn't like to poop everyday so when she does it is like a military operation to clear it up!). Here she looks a little cuter having a cuddle with Chalkley:

Then it was Koi-Fest. More Photos to follow from Della's exciting day with giant fish. Did she manage to ride one...

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