Monday 31 December 2012

Pre-Christmas in Cambridge

 Once Della was feeling a little better (thank you antibiotics and calpol) she picked up a bit and was happy to have some fun in Cambridge. One of the things she quite enjoyed was being pushed around by Uncle Nick in the new printer box, and then pushing Hugo (he needed a name and seemed like a Hugo) around too...

This is the first time Della has shown any interest in a dummy - the doctor said it would be relieving the pressure in her infected ears
Come on Hugo
Then in the grafton Centre Della enjoyed looking at the big shiny tree...

No matter how poorly you are feeling there is always time to have a swing holding hands...

Time for snacks on the sofa watching some telly with Uncle Nick

And Gran Helen gets one of the now legendary long cuddles from Della...

Well, what a festive week it's been...

Firstly, apologies for the total lack of blog posts. The reason why will become apparent. This is a quick run-down of what has happened over the past week: 

  • Thursday 20th - Della became poorly and couldn't go to nursery
  • Friday 21st am - It was Simon's birthday and we celebrated with presents and cuddles
  • Friday 21st am - Della is still poorly, I have to go to work and Simon has a six hour cuddle with Della (as she get's a fever and just wants to sleep). Then goes to the Doctor. 
  • Friday 21st pm - Della is still poorly, we debate whether we should travel to Cambridge. Uncle Nick has a very long cuddle with Della while we pack to car up and decide yes, we should go to Cambridge
  • Friday 21st late pm - on the drive to Cambridge Della sleeps but the car starts mis-behaving and we have to travel slowly
  • Saturday 22nd - We are in cambridge which is lovely but Della is still poorly and the car is broken
  • Saturday 22nd pm - the car is eventually in a garage and Della is on her way to an emergency doctor
  • Saturday 22nd pm - Car is fixed, Della is on antibiotics. We do not sleep
  • Sunday 23rd - We have a lovely day in Cambridge pottering around and playing with toys and books. Della is still not well
  • Sunday 23rd pm - We leave cambridge and have an easy journey home until Della wakes and we need to stop and cuddle her. One of the car headlights is out
  • Monday 24th - Della is getting better. We have a nice day at home and do some final preparations for Christmas and get the car headlights fixed (we also watch the Snowman and Snowdog)
  • Christmas Day - We wake and unwrap some presents. Della is excited about her new bike. We then drive to Durham, Della arrives in a good mood
  • Christmas Day pm - We sit down for dinner. Della pokes me in the eye and I am blinded. We then share presents.
  • Christmas Day late pm - I go to A&E as I am in severe pain with my eye. My eyeball and pupil have been badly lacerated. I must put antibiotic ointment in it and wear a patch. 
  • Boxing Day - I cannot see and am in quite a bit of pain. 
  • Saturday 29th - We leave Durham after a lovely (if interesting visit) and settle back in York
  • Sunday 30th - I can see. Me and Della have a fun day out while Simon has some time to himself in the garage
  • New Years Eve - I am eventually able to blog. 

More festive photos will follow later....

    Friday 21 December 2012

    Happy Birthday Daddy

    Although Della is a little under the weather at the moment she still managed, in her own way to give her presents to her Daddy on hisbirthday. This involved her chucking cards and wrapped items at him this morning while having a snuggle.

    Photos of the shortest day of the year, and Simons birthday, to follow.

    Wednesday 12 December 2012


    It's getting cold. For the past week or so we have had minus temperatures every morning and I've been thinking about poor Della's little legs on the back of the bike on her way to nursery. So we got her a new snowsuit and she loves it. Here she is this morning playing in it before putting her helmet on and heading out to play with her friends.

    Notice the christmas tree...
    I can even run in it, with Gordon

    Stop taking pictures and let me go to nursery!

    Saturday 8 December 2012

    Not Sensible

    I have been trying to upload this for a while now and each time I do it the export 'unexpectedly terminates'. I think it might be that it was originally called 'spam', not sensible.

    I'm sure you will agree it is worth the wait, listen out for a fun new word, although do not try this at home with your own children...

    Della has a new den

    Della has a most favourite thing in the whole world to do (after hugging and biting Gordon so hard he can't wait for Della to go to bed) and that is drawing. Normally she is most entertained by a biro and some junk mail but occasionally she brings beautiful masterpieces home from nursery. We have been wondering where her gallery should be. We came up with the little area between the sink and door in the kitchen (the perfect hideout for a little girl!).

    As of this morning this is Della's new den and she loves it. Complete with her pictures on the wall, a cosy mat for sitting on, some books, a blanket and some of her stuffed friends...   

    Come on Zebra, it's time to play

    Please can I sleep here?

    It's even big enough for Dada

    Although reading books is tiring...

    Too tired to eat...

    Here Della tries her hardest to stay awake for yoghurt...

    Aunty Chalkley

    ..also stayed with us last weekend. Della had some fun playing with her and doing some drawing

    Thursday 6 December 2012

    A magical little moment

    Yesterday it started snowing.

    When I picked Della up from nursery it was dark and the snow was dancing around the street lights. When Della saw this she stood, nailed to the floor, pointing with her mouth wide open. The light was beautiful and Della was so content with what she could see she just kept looking back at me and smiling. I didn't have my phone or camera to take a picture of her, but that just makes it a bit more special.

    Monday 3 December 2012

    More from the weekend

    Here are a few more shots of Della playing with Granda Andrew....

    Just doing some work...

    Actually I'm watching a video of Bluet and finding it very funny!

    In a minute I'll bop my head on this horse and cry a bit

    Someone has lost a glove. 

    I feel a bit small...

    Della at the park with grandad

    Grandad Andrew visited this weekend and spent some time with Della at the park. The sun was very low which made the visit quite filmic...

    Friday 30 November 2012

    A bit of an update - mainly Della as Lambsy

    Did I get these ears from you or daddy?

    From Gran Helen - looking very happy!

    I don't wanna put my coat on...

    I'm keeping this on all day

    Looking a bit like a big rabbit!

    Off to nursery

     Some pics from Gran Helen's last visit


    Uncle Nick - fancy meeting you here!

    Della concentrating on her note-taking

    Some videos of Della playing in the leaves at Castle Howard:

     And this is Della playing the 'Bang' game (Not sure what the rules are...)


    Della deep in thought

    Della and Gran Helen doing some drawing

    Wednesday 28 November 2012

    Apologies and a new park

    Well, just like our american counterparts, we have been a little too busy to do any regular blogging recently. I will endeavour to keep on top of our goings on in the future.

    A couple of weekends ago we took a trip to Durham. The most exciting day of the trip for Della started with a trip to the bootsale where she found a couple of books, then a sunday lunch at the table where she discovered a love of Yorkshire puddings dipped in gravy (at last she likes them, we have tried this a few times!). We then popped to a garden centre where Della found Santa, a cuddly big friend and (oh no) very much enjoyed a ride on one of those machines that rocks back and forth singing annoying tunes!

    Put more money in...
    Oh, hello big, snuggly bear

    After that we called to the park. Della has been here before but I don't think she could remember. She enjoyed it a lot this time. I think she thought she was older than she is and kept trying to play with the big (about 4 years old!) kids. Luckily she had fun with Granda and GranAnne and came home tired and covered in sand.


    Where's Della gone?

    Where's Della gone?


    Monday 12 November 2012

    A Lovely Autumnal Day

    Gran Helen came to stay this weekend. Simon and Helen picked Della up early from nursery which was quite exciting for her. It was also her last day in the baby room. Form this week she will be in the toddler room with new (and old) friends and will be learning lots more and playing outside twice a day regardless of the weather (we need to get some padded dunagrees to keep her cosy!)

    On Saturday we had a stroll into town and visited the library for lunch. Della loves it there and will happily run around ignoring the books and looking at the other children until she gets tired when she will do some stock taking with a pen and paper and then have a little story.

    uncle Nick came to visit on Saturday too and we skyped with Uncle Ben and Bluet. Bluet was very good with her words.

    On Sunday it was time for a trip out in the Autumn sunshine so we headed up to Castle Howard again - they do lovely scones. Della mainly enjoyed chasing a peacock whilst flapping her arms! Then playing in the leaves and sitting on a swing seat with nick. Here are a few photos..

    NOthing is better than a ride on Daddy' shoulders

    On the way home Della decided she needed my sunglasses