Saturday 8 December 2012

Della has a new den

Della has a most favourite thing in the whole world to do (after hugging and biting Gordon so hard he can't wait for Della to go to bed) and that is drawing. Normally she is most entertained by a biro and some junk mail but occasionally she brings beautiful masterpieces home from nursery. We have been wondering where her gallery should be. We came up with the little area between the sink and door in the kitchen (the perfect hideout for a little girl!).

As of this morning this is Della's new den and she loves it. Complete with her pictures on the wall, a cosy mat for sitting on, some books, a blanket and some of her stuffed friends...   

Come on Zebra, it's time to play

Please can I sleep here?

It's even big enough for Dada

Although reading books is tiring...

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