Monday 31 December 2012

Well, what a festive week it's been...

Firstly, apologies for the total lack of blog posts. The reason why will become apparent. This is a quick run-down of what has happened over the past week: 

  • Thursday 20th - Della became poorly and couldn't go to nursery
  • Friday 21st am - It was Simon's birthday and we celebrated with presents and cuddles
  • Friday 21st am - Della is still poorly, I have to go to work and Simon has a six hour cuddle with Della (as she get's a fever and just wants to sleep). Then goes to the Doctor. 
  • Friday 21st pm - Della is still poorly, we debate whether we should travel to Cambridge. Uncle Nick has a very long cuddle with Della while we pack to car up and decide yes, we should go to Cambridge
  • Friday 21st late pm - on the drive to Cambridge Della sleeps but the car starts mis-behaving and we have to travel slowly
  • Saturday 22nd - We are in cambridge which is lovely but Della is still poorly and the car is broken
  • Saturday 22nd pm - the car is eventually in a garage and Della is on her way to an emergency doctor
  • Saturday 22nd pm - Car is fixed, Della is on antibiotics. We do not sleep
  • Sunday 23rd - We have a lovely day in Cambridge pottering around and playing with toys and books. Della is still not well
  • Sunday 23rd pm - We leave cambridge and have an easy journey home until Della wakes and we need to stop and cuddle her. One of the car headlights is out
  • Monday 24th - Della is getting better. We have a nice day at home and do some final preparations for Christmas and get the car headlights fixed (we also watch the Snowman and Snowdog)
  • Christmas Day - We wake and unwrap some presents. Della is excited about her new bike. We then drive to Durham, Della arrives in a good mood
  • Christmas Day pm - We sit down for dinner. Della pokes me in the eye and I am blinded. We then share presents.
  • Christmas Day late pm - I go to A&E as I am in severe pain with my eye. My eyeball and pupil have been badly lacerated. I must put antibiotic ointment in it and wear a patch. 
  • Boxing Day - I cannot see and am in quite a bit of pain. 
  • Saturday 29th - We leave Durham after a lovely (if interesting visit) and settle back in York
  • Sunday 30th - I can see. Me and Della have a fun day out while Simon has some time to himself in the garage
  • New Years Eve - I am eventually able to blog. 

More festive photos will follow later....

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