Thursday 22 March 2012

A week in the life of Della

We took a visit up north this weekend. Simon played daddy daycare with Neve (my cousins daughter) and Della for a while. they both seemed to have a fun time.

Then on Mothers day Della made me an amazing card. I'll pop it up on here soon. We went out for lunch with my brother and his family. Trying to seat nine adults and two babies isn't easy but we managed and had a lovely time, here are the highlights...

Della decided to play on a child's bench. This was fine until I lost my balance and managed to knock over all the card wracks you can see behind me, only just missing a woman sat on a sofa behind them!

We went back for a coffee at my brothers house and both Della and Ethan needed feeding. My ultra competitive brother decided the race was on. Della won finishing all 8 onces in record time!

A couple of days later Della got a grizzly cold and although she normally isn't a fan of snuggling in or sleeping on people her Granda managed to get her to sleep on his lap, calming her down and soothing her sniffles.

The following day when Della was feeling a little better we went out to the shops and passed a pet shop. Della has met quite a few dogs and quite frankly she isn't impressed with them. However, these guinea pigs had her cracking up. They kept running around making her laugh then occasionally they would come close to her through the glass and she would try and touch them. She also found the fish quite exciting, shame ours died just before she was born! Although she can always go and look at the big fish in Granda's pond. 

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