Wednesday 30 May 2012


Andrew and Maria came to stay this weekend. it was so lovely to see them and Della was in good spirits. We did lots of things and Della enjoyed walking with someone other than us!

Then Della got an early birthday present which she was very excited to get into. She loved her paddling pool and stayed in there for far longer than we thought she would. She is very hot in this sunshine though. in fact she is the only baby stripped down to her nappy at nursery when I pick her up!

Cute gap between your teeth Della 

where to start...

It's been a very long time since Della did any blogging. It's been such a busy time it is difficult to know where to start. I thought best just keep it simple and go chronological! Kicking us off are just some nice pictures of us playing in the last Tuesday after Simon got back from work. It's so nice that the sun is still shining.


Look, no hands

Monday 21 May 2012

Outdoors at last

Until yesterday rain had mainly dampened play. Yesterday the sun came out and we got to play/ work in the garden at last. Gran Anne and Granda came down to play too and Della was in good spirits, she was very excited to see them.

Cost blanket time with granda while watching Daddy

Daddy being manly! 

The apple tree is in lovely bloom

Happy families

'I've escaped onto the main street!'

Peek a boo over the wall is hilarious!

I'm one of the men really 

Mmm... tasty

Fire Fire

While out shopping on Friday Della experienced her first fire alarm. We were in Morrisons getting essential items for the weekend. We we half way through the checkout when an alarm starting ringing. Della didn't much notice it but everyone else did. Everything stopped and we were sent out of the shop.

Annoyingly we were only a few items away from paying and the lady wouldn't put the items through and let us pay. So I picked up some f the snaks I had in the shopping for Della and we stood outside for about 20 minutes. It seemed like a very long 20 minutes but Della sat in the trolly looking at people and eating snacks!

Saturday 19 May 2012


Della has enjoyed nursery more this week. Everyday she cried less and less upon drop off and collection. This can only be a good sign. She often comes home in clothes she did not go there in. I think this is a good thing as it means she is having so much fun she gets mucky and has to be changed.

On Friday after work Simon took Della out into the garden to show her something special. He bought a christmas tree about seven years ago. In this time it has lived in a pot in lots of different flats and houses. Trouble is that it has never actually really grown, it's virtually the same height as it was 7 years ago. He now believes that this tree has become a bonsai and has even downloaded 'how to guides' to keep it stunted and looking pretty. Here Della is daring to touch it..

After all this excitement it was time for the bath - Della had fun...

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Della meets football

Della took out a loan against future earnings from her dad today to buy a football he she took a shine to at Tesco.  When they got home, the first thing he she wanted to do was to play with it. This is how Della learned to love, and then hate football in under 3 minutes...

Monday 14 May 2012

You either love it or hate it

So this week has been one full of snots, coughs, sticky eyes, doctor trips and antibiotics. Both me and Della have been ill which turned our work and nursery routine into a spin. I was sick in a bin - an activity which should solely be reserved for those under the influence of alcohol. We are coming out the other end now and by tomorrow I'm hoping we are all back to fighting fit shape.

We also had Aunty Anna visit this weekend which was lovely, although what with all the germs Della was not at her best. We did make it to town for a stroll and sat in the sunshine looking at the minster.

The most exciting news of the week though is that Della does love it. Marmite that is. She isn't officially meant to have it until 12 months but we are only a couple of weeks off so Della tried some Marmite rice cakes. They were a hit much to Simons delight and my dismay!

Tractor ride

Forgot to add this video to the last post - Della rode a tractor!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

A day at the farm

While in Durham we took a trip to the farm to see the baby animals, have some lunch and play.

choo choo

As it was the bank holiday I took Della on the train to Durham on Saturday and Simon followed us up on Sunday.

The only train Della has really been on is the subway in NY so this was quite exciting, and I was doing it alone. We had fun, even if lifting baby, buggy and backback was a little tricky. Della mainly liked staring at people!

Back to work

So I am back at work which mens blog posts might not be as frequent as normal. Della is starting to settle at nursery, although she won't have a bottle there and isn't too keen on napping there either!

Before I went back we went to Asda for our regular tea and dinner. Della ate all this cake...

Then on Tuesday night we went for a treat, Frankie and Benny's for dinner. Della seemed to love the fans and quite happily sat and had her dinner with us. She wasn't too happy when the lights went down and 'Happy birthday' started screaming out the sound system.

Picking Della up from nursery has been difficult, as soon as she sees me she gets a little upset, then I get upset... I'm sure this will settle down and before you know it I will be dragging her out as she wants to stay and play. On Friday I was so happy to collect her and she was a mess, covered in Jelly which she had been playing with. I'm guessing I would never make up a batch of jelly and let her play in it.

Jelly hair

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Boo hoo

So today is my last official day of maternity leave. Although I'm looking forward to engaging my brain it is going to be very hard to leave my little lady, although I will still be with her on a Monday and Tuesday.

Della has a pesky cold at the minute meaning she is a little grumpy and mainly wants to be cuddled most of the day. After all the ridiculous rain we have had the sun did poke out yesterday for a little. We thought we would go for a walk and see if some fresh air would help her with her snots.

The puddle under the swings was interesting to her as she could see her reflection, although it did mean putting her in and taking her out was a little challenging!

Then we sat in the garden for a little. I planted some tomato plants while Della watched on