Sunday 27 January 2013

Della and friends

Della likes her friends - demonstrated by the first picture below! 

Yesterday was her friend Henry's first birthday party. She put her pretty dress on and we went round for food, jelly and cakes. It was a lovely day out! 

Betty, Gordon, Zebra, dolly, Iggle Piggle, Daisey - check

Where is your party hat?

enjoying juice from a carton

Daddy, get out of the tent!

Drawing with the birthday boy

This is what she picked out of the dressing up box

Chocolate cake... mmm....

A family shot after a lovely day

Tuesday 22 January 2013

copy cat

I got some new slippers for Christmas which meant Della thought my old ones were hers. She already watches me get ready and copies what I do. Watching her pretend put deodorant on is very amusing. I think this might be a sign of things to come and amusing videos of her with make-up all over her or in my over sized clothes...

At last, a video

So it turns out that Blogger is a woman and is very helpful - who needs youtube anyway*.

Here is a video of Della doing some painting from before the New Year. Della can say almost any word now - once you have said it to her a few times. Many of them she is not sure what she is saying but most she does understand - you will hear Yellow beautifully pronounced in this video.

*see previous post

Della does chores

We returned from a snowy weekend in Durham to find less snow in York which is a relief. While there Della got to do some dishes and some shoveling of snow. It worries me that she finds chores enjoyable - I'm hoping it's not all she sees me doing! 

I do have some brilliant videos to put up but me and Youtube are not getting on at the minute and he (I find that some websites have genders - google is definitely a woman) won't upload any of them. Once we have resolved our differences (he will eventually give up and do as I ask) then you will be able to watch Della expertly cleaning plates. In the meantime here are some photos of our adventures...

Thursday 17 January 2013

Let it snow...

The snow has arrived and it has got very chilly. Della thinks the snow is funny and holds her hands out to feel the flakes on her hands. It must be very confusing...

Then this morning it really got cold. The car thermometer said it was -6. So Della donned her snowsuit and headed to nursery with Simon - not on the back of the bike this morning - it was a tad too icy on the roads!

A box and some DIY

On Sunday it was very chilly outside so after playing in the park a bit we retired to the loving room to potter on and get some things done. One of these things was putting a new light up - when we turned it on Della said 'bright' which was quite amusing. She then got in the box it came in and played peek a boo and managed to get us to drag her around. 

After playing in the box Simon watched match of the day and me and Della did some DIY, disassembling her toddle truck ready for the loft. This included using screwdrivers and spanners...

Tuesday 15 January 2013


Now that the busy Christmas period is over and normal life has resumed we are back to going to the park. Below Della plays at our local park...

Her wellies don't help get speed on the slide!
But you can get speed on the swings1

It's only a 5 min walk home - or 25mins if Della decides to play en route

On Sunday we decided to treat Della and take her to Rowntree park which is a little car ride away but has the best swings/slides/geese and is beside the river so it's a bit more fun. However, when we arrived we saw the notice below...

We were not deterred though and jumped the fence as Della was upset that she couldn't go on the swings. You can see in the background that the park isn't in the best condition having just been totally submerged but we like to break the rules!

The play area across the feild wasn't broken though so after Simon struggled to get back over the fence (he is aging!) we headed to the climbing frame...

 Then, Della pondered her thoughts while watching ducks on the river!

Friday 11 January 2013

Getting creative...

Della has always enjoyed getting creative. She started with coloured pencil's, progressed to bic biro's and then recently she has become very interested in paint and glitter! I think this is an influence from nursery but we have also started getting messy at home and she really really enjoys it. Although clean up can take quite a while!

Here she is getting messy.

A couple of video's of this to follow soon...

Thursday 10 January 2013

New Bedding

Della has a new quilt and a tiny little pillow now and she loves it. Last night was her first time sleeping in it and she did well. She likes to pick out the animals and make their noises. In fact this morning after she woke up she insisted on going back into her cot (I got in and played a little too) before she would get ready and put her clothes on. You will see that Della also likes to have all her soft friends in bed with her too.