Tuesday 1 January 2013

Christmas day in Durham

After a lovely morning at home we loaded up the car and arrived in Durham just in time for lunch. We were joined by eight adults and two babies. It was a full Christmas dinner as you would expect including turkey, pork, yorkshire puddings and the worlds best gravy! Della got quite excited by stuffing balls. The photo below is taken moments before the 'eye' incident. I think the lumps of stuffing on her tray are what entered my eyeball! 

The whole family round the table, a bit blurry but I couldn't see what I was doing!

Ethan and Della enjoy giving as much as receiving

Ethan in a box

Della in a box

This flute is still adding harmonious tunes to our home...

Having a cuddle with two chunky ones

A nice sit down before bedtime

The last photo of Christmas day - at A&E

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