Tuesday 1 January 2013

Christmas morning in York

We woke on Christmas day at home in York. It was a lovely morning. It started with Christmas stockings in bed (with tea of course!)

Della especially liked the bungee cords that Simon dropped in Simon's stocking...

Even Gordon gets in on the action!
It was lovely and cosy, even if we didn't look our best!!

Then we went downstairs to see what Santa had dropped down our chimney. Even though there were many many presents under the tree Della was most excited to see that there was a bike just her size. She ignored everything else and ran straight to it (in the dressing gown that Gran Helen got her) very carefully just looking at it at first...

Then trying to get on it even though it was still in it's box...

Then very happily cruising around the house on it...

After all the bike fun it was time for more presents, and Della had quite a few to open!! 

Some special treats from NY

Plastic fastener hell!!

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