Friday 1 March 2013

A few things we did

We had a rather quiet weekend while we all recovered from coughs and colds. Here are a few things we did...

Della drawing with daddy. She loves asking Simon to draw something (she manily asks for Gordon) and then watching very closely as Simon draws it perfectly (she is very lucky to have a Daddy who can draw so well) and getting very excited when the picture is finished. I think with all the copying she does she too will grow up with some creative flare. 

Can you believe fresh pineapples are only one pound. Here Della has a pineapple head - and sounds very funny when she says pineapple.

We did manage to have a stroll down the allotment. It's looking like it needs some work but Simon has lots of new fruit trees to go in and hopefully it will avoid flooding this year and we might get some lovely veg. the strawberry plants are looking like they survived so at least we can sit down there in the sunshine and eat them straight from the plants. 

While down there we said hello to the chickens. Della thought they were funny.

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