Saturday 9 March 2013

World Book Day

On Thursday it was World Book Day. In York, and perhaps all over the world, this means that children go to nursery and school dressed as their favourite book character. Della has many favourite friends but the one she loves most is probably Penguin. in this book 'penguin says nothing'. 

So we decided in a classic Collins' Family Production to make her a penguin costume. 

Step one: get a black hoody and orange and while felt. 

Step two: cut it up, do some stitching and sticking

Step three: penguin costume complete!

Step four: pop it on child and wait for gasps of cuteness!

There will definitely be more shots of Della as a penguin, playing outside, on the back of the bike and so on...

We think it is adorable and so did all her friends at nursery.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see how you are getting on. Brilliant costume too.
