Monday 29 July 2013

Grandma's birthday

While Simon was away doing this last weekend...

working in Aberdeen - photo courtesy of Gran 'elen

Della was doing this...

Ethan and Della got Gran Anne this picture os themselves for her birthday and a couple of other presents. 

We also played with Ethan in his 'house' - a giant cardboard box which was fab!

Then some fun in goggles...

Della also played with Bob!

Saturday 13 July 2013

Potty training live - the final act

Sadly, potty training day 1 is coming to a close. Della is in bed and has successfully negotiated her way through the day with several wee's in the potty and a couple in the actual toilet. 

She ate a massive sandwich

We made a tent in the garden out of old sheets in the hope that it would be a fun cool place for Della to sit on her potty while in the garden, we were right. She loved it, here she has ice cream as a treat for being such a clever girl and sitting on the potty so much - luckily she doesn't expect treats when she does a wee so we looked like amazing parents to her when she got one white chocolate button for her first wee of the day!

tent and book reading fun

As we spent all day in the house I made risotto - I don't remember the last time we had so much time to just play in the house. It was yummy and we ate outside - it all felt a bit European!

We found Simon's hat from Texas, it has provided much fun throughout the day

Painting has been the most common activity of the day  this time mainly using Simon's 'proper' paints and brushes. She did some good art.

Then at last a snuggle in bed before one last attempt before bath and bedtime nappy

She cried when we took her off the big toilet, this is her favourite place to pee - bodes well we think!

Then after bath we gave her a 'well done' present for being such a clever girl all day. Rather than cake we went for a new toothbrush. She loved it... 

It has been a good day - however we will resume normal business from now (not blogging throughout the day!) but will let you know how we get on with more potty training throughout the coming days.

Potty Training Live - video update

This is a little video of how Della has been entertaining herself during Potty Training day...

Potty training live 2

Yeah! Woohoo!! We have had a wee wee in the potty! Actually we have had two and one small accident. Small steps...

The most fun part of using a potty!

Potty training live

Like springwatch live, Africa live and bedtime live here we are at potty training live!

So, it's about 28 degrees outside and we have decided that today is the day to start potty training. There are many reasons for this.
  • Della has had about three or four wee's in the potty already 
  • She likes to sit on the potty and read her books or sing songs
  • She tells us normally either when she has or is about to need the loo
  • She has moved up to the big girls room at nursery so sees people going to the loo all day
  • She wants to wear her fairy knickers 
  • This is the last weekend in a while that we are able to stay in the house all weekend and I then have monday and tuesday at home too 
  • Generally we can tell that she is ready and it is our fear holding her back not her inability to use the potty

So, we are going cold turkey. No nappies form today except at night time.

Its 10am and Della is yet to use the facilities (including the floor) at all! She definitely understands it is a special day and has spent lots of time sitting on the potty and her special toilet seat. It's going to be an interesting day...

So far we have mainly entertained her by reading and dancing...

We all love this song to dance to...

Thursday 4 July 2013

Building blocks

This is one from the archive. Here Della uses her lego to build a tower


Monday 1 July 2013

An afternoon at the allotment

After lots of hard work on the allotment over the weekend me and Della pushed our wheel barrow full of bark chippings down to the allotment today. It took quite a long time to walk there but we did and no one got hurt!

Once there we cut open the bags and spread them on the special family corner we built - with the help of Granda Len. This is a spot where me and Della can sit down and have a break from digging and planting with a snack and a drink.

After the spreading we did just that - sat down and had a little break with some biscuits

Then it was back to it with the hose out. Della has become very good and grown up with the hose, she only occasionally splashes herself with water and that is mainly on purpose.

After watering, more raking the bark chippings, just to make sure they are flat

Then as we set off home Della took a tumble and scuffed up her knees, she has constant scabs on her knees from running too fast and falling. This time however she saw it the perfect opportunity to plead to sit in the wheelbarrow and get pushed all the way home. She giggles all the way home and kept telling me it was fun and she was happy - think I might have started something.... 

This months random shots

Here are a few photos taken over the past few weeks from my phone...

blowing bubbles

Giving it a good blow!

Bedtime playtime fun

Wearing Mammy's glasses

Feeling a little bit poorly so having a snuggle on the sofa

At the bootsale
Doing Daddy's hair

Eating the first pea crop of the season - in the washing basket

Drawing with Daddy